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Service-Learning and Other Resources


The Corporation for National and Community Service supports a variety of resources designed to support service-learning programs and to help colleges and universities spur volunteering among their students. These include:

  • Learn and Serve America is a national service program, administered by the Corporation, that supports and encourages service-learning throughout the United States, and enables over one million students to make meaningful contributions to their community while building their academic and civic skills. By engaging our nation’s young people in service-learning, Learn and Serve America instills an ethic of lifelong community service.  Learn and Serve America provides direct and indirect support to K-12 schools, community groups and higher education institutions to facilitate service-learning projects.
  • The National Service-Learning Clearinghouse provides resources and best practices to support service-learning programs. It includes information on why service-learning is a valued part of higher education, faculty award programs, and institutions that acknowledge service-learning on the transcript or as a graduation requirement.
  • The Resource Center is your online stop for tools, training, and information to strengthen your volunteer or service program. Through The Resource Center, you can search and access online training tools, event calendars, and effective practices, as well as a catalogue of printed publications and videos available on loan. In addition, the Resource Center serves as a learning exchange where individual programs can share their innovations and effective practices with others. The Resource Center's content is generated by a network of more than 20 training and technical assistance providers.
  • Hallmarks of Effective Service-Learning Programs (PDF) lists the key elements that make for effective service-learning programs.
  • Institutional Structures for Service-Learning In Higher Education gives examples of how colleges and universities are investing in institutional structures that can help sustain and institutionalize service-learning.
  • The Impact of Service-Learning: A Review of Current Research demonstrates that service-learning programs can have positive impacts on youth in three general areas: academic engagement and achievement; civic attitudes and behaviors; and social and personal skills.
  • Tips for College Students Who Want to Volunteer (PDF) 

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