About Us

Founded in 1947, Defenders of Wildlife is one of the country’s leaders in science-based, results-oriented wildlife conservation. We stand out in our commitment to saving imperiled wildlife and championing the Endangered Species Act, the landmark law that protects them.


Defenders of Wildlife is a national, nonprofit membership organization dedicated to the protection of all native animals and plants in their natural communities.


Learn more about the Defenders of Wildlife Action Fund, our sister organization, that protects wildlife and natural habitat through advocacy and political campaigns.


We work to protect and restore America’s native wildlife, safeguard habitat, resolve conflicts, work across international borders and educate and mobilize the public.

From the President

“Our nation’s wildlife and wild places are precious gifts that enrich our planet and sustain us. But nearly everywhere, natural habitats—home to all kinds of creatures—are being destroyed to make way for new shopping malls, roads and housing developments. Meanwhile, in the halls of Congress, some politicians are eager to open public lands to oil drilling. Others are pressing to unravel the Endangered Species Act, our country’s pre-eminent wildlife conservation law. And beyond our borders, millions of animals are being exploited or killed illegally each year—becoming pets, food or souvenirs. With so many threats, concerned citizens are coming to the defense of America’s wildlife, and Defenders of Wildlife is proud to be a leader in the fight to preserve our nation’s animals and plants for generations to come.”

Rodger Schlickeisen, President


People who care about wildlife generously offer their support to Defenders of Wildlife. In 2008, Defenders of Wildlife’s 576,000 members and other supporters contributed $31 million for wildlife and wildlife habitat. Law firms, broadcast media outlets and others generously donated their time and expertise. While support from individuals and foundations remained strong, overall income decreased from the previous year largely because of a decline in investment income. Whether in the field, the courts or on Capitol Hill, it is the steadfast support of our donors that allows Defenders to sustain its programs and public education efforts.

2008 Sources of Funds for Defenders of Wildlife

2008 Sources of Funds for Defenders of Wildlife

Read Our Annual Report and IRS 990 Form

2008 Annual Report
2007 IRS Form 990