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Friday, September 21, 2007

CONTACT: Sandy Scott
Phone: 202-606-6724


Massachusetts AmeriCorps Alumna Named New Eli Segal Fellow


Julie Proulx, a Massachusetts native who spent seven months of her AmeriCorps year in the Gulf Coast assisting victims of Hurricane Katrina, has been named the newest Eli Segal Fellow by the Corporation for National and Community Service.

Washington, D.C. – Julie Proulx, a Massachusetts native who spent seven months of her AmeriCorps year in the Gulf Coast assisting victims of Hurricane Katrina, has been named the newest Eli Segal Fellow by the Corporation for National and Community Service.

The fellowship is named in honor of the late Eli Segal, an architect of national service and the first CEO of the Corporation, who served from 1993 to 1995. The Corporation’s Board of Directors suggested the idea of the fellowship after Segal’s death in February 2006.The Eli Segal Fellow works in the Office of the CEO on projects to advance the mission of national service and the strategic goals of the Corporation.

“Julie is a shining example of the outstanding servant leaders who are attracted to AmeriCorps and epitomizes a whole generation of compassionate young people who are getting directly involved in tackling America’s toughest problems through hands-on service” said David Eisner, CEO of the Corporation. “Julie embodies the optimism and entrepreneurial spirit that Eli Segal will always stand for.”

The fellowship competition was open to AmeriCorps alumni who served full-time in the past three years.Proulx was selected in a highly competitive process that produced strong applicants from all branches of AmeriCorps:State and National, VISTA and NCCC.A representative of the Segal family participated in the selection process. Candidates were evaluated on the basis of strong leadership abilities, dedication to the ideals of national service, a social entrepreneurial spirit, and effective communication and analytical skills.

Proulx, 23, received a bachelor’s degree in Brain and Cognitive Sciences from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 2006. Upon graduating from MIT, Julie embarked on a ten-month, full-time service term with the AmeriCorps National Civilian Community Corps (NCCC) that ran from July 2006 through April 2007. She served more than 1,900 hours in communities across the southeast United States in the areas of disaster relief, housing, and the environment.

Based out of the Charleston, S.C. AmeriCorps NCCC campus, Proulx was deeply involved in Gulf Coast recovery efforts. Her work included recovery projects for Hands On Gulf Coast in Biloxi, Mississippi, constructing homes with Habitat for Humanity in Mobile, Ala.; and providing meals to volunteers and residents at the Camp Hope Kitchen in St. Bernard’s Parish, La. Proulx also played a vital role serving as a Gulf Projects Liaison for the AmeriCorps NCCC through her work supporting and strengthening projects in the Gulf, organizing direct service days, and assisting staff with other special Gulf service events. While in the AmeriCorps NCCC, she also helped construct and restore trails in LaFollette, Tenn., and Newberry, S.C.

During her time in the Gulf, Proulx attended city meetings and spoke to residents about their experiences with Hurricane Katrina. She is quick to recount personal stories of Gulf Coast residents' selflessness, determination, and hospitality and credits those residents as being an inspiration to her rebuilding and recovery work.

"Being a member in AmeriCorps NCCC, I learned that I could make a difference on a national level," Proulx said. "Working alongside locals and people from around the world in disaster-affected communities has taught me the extraordinary impacts of national service, collaboration, and cooperation. I am honored to have been chosen for this Fellowship and eager to get to work helping to advance the national service movement in America that Eli Segal helped to launch in the 1990s."

The Corporation for National and Community Service improves lives, strengthens communities, and fosters civic engagement through service and volunteering. Providing service opportunities for millions of Americans of all ages and backgrounds, Corporation programs include Senior Corps, AmeriCorps, and Learn and Serve America. For more information, visit


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