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Thursday, January 18, 2007

CONTACT: Norris P. West
Phone: 202-606-6840

CONTACT: Fred Whiting
Points of Light Foundation

Phone: 202-729-8177


Comcast Executive and Eagles President to Host 2007 Conference on Volunteering


Conference Cosponsored by Points of Light Foundation & Volunteer Center National Network and the Corporation for National and Community Service

WASHINGTON, D.C. - The Executive Vice President of the Comcast Corporation and the President and Chief Operating Officer of the Philadelphia Eagles are co-chairing the Host Committee for the 2007 National Conference on Volunteering and Service, to be held in Philadelphia July 16-18, 2007.

David L. Cohen of Comcast and Joe Banner of the Eagles share an interest in volunteering and will welcome more than 2,500 attendees to the conference, which is the largest of its kind dedicated to training volunteer leaders in the corporate and nonprofit sectors.

"We look forward to welcoming thousands of leaders in volunteerism to Comcast's home town to exchange the best ideas on community service,"

Mr. Cohen said. "Volunteerism is part of the fabric of our company, which makes our association with the National Conference particularly special."

"I am honored to serve as co-chair for the National Conference on Volunteering and Service," adds Banner, "because I believe we each have an obligation to better the communities we live in. I look forward to this opportunity to highlight work of volunteers in the Philadelphia area and across the country."

The National Conference on Volunteering and Service is the premier training and education event in volunteer management, community volunteering and national service leadership for nonprofit organizations, businesses, government agencies and Volunteer Centers. It is the nation's largest gathering on volunteering, where over 2,500 leaders, thinkers and doers come together for three days of education, discussion and professional networking. Joined by leading federal and state officials, and executives from the business community, the attendees at this conference set the tone and agenda for community service in America and around the world.

The conference brings together volunteer program managers, policy makers and participants from businesses; Volunteer Centers; Federal, state and local governments; national, local and international nonprofits; faith-based service programs; and service programs from top colleges and universities. The conference offers more than 175 workshops and seminars focusing on a variety of topics from corporate volunteering to recruiting youth and seniors into community service.

The Points of Light Foundation & Volunteer Center National Network supports the vital work of millions of volunteers who are helping to solve serious social problems in thousands of communities nationwide.  For more information about local volunteer opportunities, call 1-800-VOLUNTEER or visit

The Corporation for National and Community Service strives to improve lives, strengthen communities, and foster civic engagement through service and volunteering by providing opportunities for Americans of all ages and backgrounds to serve their communities and country. The Corporation administers the Senior Corps, AmeriCorps, and Learn and Serve America programs. Together with the USA Freedom Corps, the Corporation is working to build a culture of citizenship, service and responsibility in America. For more information, visit


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