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Wednesday, September 21, 2005

CONTACT: Sandy Scott
Phone: 202-606-6724


Factsheet: CNCS Hurricane Activity Update #8



  • 37 members were deployed from the NCCC Central Region campus to Jackson, Miss., to serve with FEMA at a warehouse.


  • 20 Elderly Services of Cape Cod and Islands RSVP volunteers are working with evacuees at Camp Edwards. All of these volunteers had training with FEMA, the Red Cross, and Medical reserve corps, and are in charge of administrating tetanus and hepatitis shots, transporting elders to doctors’ appointments and decontaminating pets.
  • A volunteer with RSVP Worcester Area Volunteers went with the first group deployed to New Orleans. In addition, four volunteers are working with American Red Cross Disaster Services to help support phone bank operations.
  • 3 VISTA members from Horizons for Homeless Children built a play space for the children at Camp Edwards.


  • 10 St. Louis AmeriCorps members have taken on four major areas within the Governor’s Hurricane Recovery Call Center: providing constant support at the hotline, training and organizing volunteer operators, managing the Mississippi State Donations Matching Function, and tracking, verifying, and updating incoming communications to the Center.
  • A task force of 80 AmeriCorps St. Louis members and staff, three VISTA members from Kansas City, and six members from the Grace Hill St. Louis Trail Ranger’s Program have arrived to serve in support of the Mississippi Commission on Volunteer and Community Service. The task force is currently providing assistance at the Multi-Agency Staging Area and Sorting Warehouse. Planning is also being done in order to move the group south to support highly impacted counties in their recovery efforts.
  • A five-person AmeriCorps St. Louis team was dispatched to Baton Rouge, La., to support voluntary relief organizations as assigned.
  • Seven AmeriCorps St. Louis members and an AmeriCorps*NCCC team from Denver were dispatched to Alabama to serve in cooperation with the Governor’s Office of Faith-Based Initiatives. A mixed group of seven of these members serve at the Governor’s Recovery Hotline, referring volunteers and donations to appropriate outlets. As of September 20, the Center has also taken on the role of linking Alabama residents displaced by the storm to housing. The team is also lending donations coordination support, volunteer management, and support services to human service agencies and other responding agencies in the affected counties of Alabama. Remaining members in Alabama have responded to the southern part of the state to meet the needs of the Multi-Agency Warehouse in Mobile, at the request of the state in support of Volunteer Mobile.

Rhode Island

  • A VISTA member was deployed to Decatur, Ala., to assist at a Call-in Center run by the Volunteer Center of Morgan County.


  • 4 Edinburg RSVP volunteers managed 75 community volunteers in the response efforts. Volunteers sorted food cans and hygiene products at the Rio Grande Valley Food Bank.
  • 25 Swisher County RSVP volunteers have been involved with Katrina response efforts by assisting with the collection of donated goods for the American Red Cross.
  • 4 VISTA members with the San Antonio Food Bank have played a key role in the food bank’s efforts to support evacuees at multiple San Antonio shelters.


  • 3 RSVP volunteers from Moab spent one week at Camp Williams assisting the Baptist church with feeding hurricane victims.
  • 2 Volunteer Connections VISTA members manned the “2-1-1” info line call center and helped to coordinate services and donations for victims, and 2 Community Health Clinic VISTA members from St. George provided services to Katrina evacuees at Camp Williams.
  • 7 Salt Lake County Aging Services RSVP volunteers served the evacuees of Hurricane Katrina by sorting donations and providing any other needed assistance.
  • 3 Golden Rule Mission VISTA members sent 500 pounds of donated clothes and $1,000 worth of new underwear to Baton Rouge, La.
  • A Mountainland RSVP volunteer supported relief efforts at Camp Williams.
  • Salt Lake County Aging-Foster Grandparent Program/Senior Companion Program helped establish a senior center at Camp Williams for senior hurricane victims, and provided information about aging programs in Utah for those may choose to relocate.

For the latest news, information, and updates on hurricane relief and recovery efforts from the Corporation for National and Community Service, please visit


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