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Tuesday, September 06, 2005

CONTACT: Sandy Scott
Phone: 202-606-6724


Factsheet: CNCS Hurricane Activity Update #1


  • Plans were signed with FEMA over the weekend to send teams of trained AmeriCorps members to assist with donations, volunteer management, and warehousing activities in Mississippi and Alabama. The initial deployment will include 36 corps members -- 18 to each state – drawn from the St. Louis Safety Corps and AmeriCorps*NCCC. Working in teams, these members will also assist with local cleanup activities and roof tarping. An identical deployment to Louisiana is expected as soon as details can be arranged.
  • A number of Corporation representatives are meeting this week with FEMA officials in Atlanta to develop an overall plan for the most effective use of national service resources to assist residents and evacuees, both in the immediate future and over the long term. FEMA has already requested national service support for their Disaster Recovery Centers to provide casework, outreach, and other administrative work throughout the impacted area, and the Corporation is in the process of filling that request.
  • The AmeriCorps program at the University of Alabama at Birmingham is opening up the Birmingham Civic Center and the Fair Park Arena for use by evacuees, including those with special needs. In addition to assisting with the operations of these shelters, AmeriCorps members are assisting the UAB School of Public Health in its a drive to collect pillows, personal items, and children’s books and games to be distributed at the two sites. They are also hoping to team up with Birmingham READS AmeriCorps program and several VISTAs from local programs in Birmingham who may be offering to collaborate in these efforts as well.
  • The Corporation State Office in West Virginia is assisting the state commission in providing services to at least 500 evacuees from the Gulf Coast region who have sought refuge in the state.
  • Onestar, the state commission of Texas, is coordinating volunteer response for the entire state. Currently, tens of thousands of evacuees are currently being housed in Texas, and their long-term well-being will depend on a steady stream of people willing to help.
  • US Vets in Houston, a long-time AmeriCorps program, has taken in more than 100 homeless veterans from New Orleans and is planning to open up an unrenovated building to accommodate more. Ten other US Vets sites around the country are offering up bed space as well.

For the latest news, information, and updates on hurricane relief and recovery efforts from the Corporation for National and Community Service, please visit


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