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Tuesday, November 18, 2008

CONTACT: Sandy Scott
Phone: 202-606-6724


Nicola Goren to Run National Service Agency through Transition


Washington DC – Nicola O. Goren, an 11-year veteran of the Corporation for National and Community Service, will lead the agency through a transition that will include laying a foundation for the incoming Administration’s service plans.

Goren, who served as the agency’s Chief of Staff for the past two years, begins her tenure as Acting CEO at a time of strong momentum and opportunity for the agency and the larger service and volunteer movement. Goren will lead the agency that administers AmeriCorps, Senior Corps, and Learn and Serve America until a new CEO is appointed by President Obama and confirmed by the Senate.

“Service and volunteering make a difference in the lives of millions of Americans every day,” said Goren. “I am deeply honored and excited to work with our extraordinary board, staff, and grantees to support our programs, prepare for the transition, and seize the growing momentum for service in America.”

Goren said two forces are converging to make this an opportune time for national service and volunteering. First, the economic downturn has threatened our civic infrastructure and put more Americans in need of services that the voluntary sector can provide. Second, this increasing demand comes at the same time as service is gaining unprecedented levels of support across government, business, nonprofit, and education sectors.

From the expansion of corporate social responsibility programs and the embrace of service-learning on college campuses to the introduction of several bipartisan national service bills in Congress and the comprehensive service agenda of President-elect Obama, service is increasingly being seen as a solution to social challenges. “The Corporation has never been stronger, more efficient, and better positioned than it is today, and we are ready to work with the incoming Administration to take national service to the next level of success and impact,” said Goren. In a message to grantees, Goren said her priorities will be to focus on the core work of the agency, ensure a smooth transition, and strengthen the service infrastructure.

The agency has been preparing for the transition for several months. The Corporation’s bipartisan board of directors will also play a key role in the transition. “We are incredibly fortunate to have such a strong board and their leadership and insights will be especially valuable in the transition. Our board is a model of how people from different parties can work together to get things done.”

Board Chairman and former Indianapolis Mayor Stephen Goldsmith also noted the convergence of need and support for national service in welcoming Goren to her new role. “The Corporation is well-respected, high performing and it enjoys bipartisan support. The national service and volunteering agenda also benefit from strong momentum and increasing public awareness. Nicky has the experience, judgment, and ability to ensure that we extend the gains we’ve made and bridge the organization as it prepares for a new CEO to be appointed in the next administration.”

Prior to serving as Chief of Staff, Goren worked in the Corporation’s Office of General Counsel for eight-and-a-half years as Associate General Counsel, where she led the AmeriCorps rulemaking effort and other major projects. Before coming to the Corporation in 1998, Goren spent five years in the legislative branch, working first with the Congressional Budget Office and then with the Office of Compliance. She is a graduate of Cornell Law School and Brandeis University. Goren resides in the District of Columbia with her husband and two sons.

The Corporation for National and Community Service improves lives, strengthens communities, and fosters civic engagement through service and volunteering. Each year the Corporation engages more than four million Americans of all ages and backgrounds in service to meet local needs through its Senior Corps, AmeriCorps, and Learn and Serve America programs. For more information, visit


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