University of Wisconsin College of Agriculture and Life Sciences News

Current News from CALS

Marshfield Summer Field Day August 23

Visitors to the Marshfield Agricultural Research Station’s summer field day Tuesday, Aug. 23, will open the day with a welcome and research update from station superintendent Tom Drendel and assistant superintendent Mike Bertram.

During the morning program, UW-Madison soil scientist Carrie Laboski will discuss crop availability of manure phosphorus and UW-Madison agronomist Joe Lauer will look at how corn maturity influences yield and quality. John Peters, head of the UW Soil and Forage Analysis Lab, will deliver an update on soil pH studies and the new Sulfur Availability Index.

At the afternoon program, Phil Holmen of the Spooner research station will discuss experiments with alfalfa/grass combinations, and UW-Madison agronomist Roger Borges will explore alternatives for soybean rust management in Wisconsin fields. Mike Bertram will wrap up the field day with a discussion of emergency forages.

The field day begins Tuesday, August 23 at 10:15 a.m. and concludes at 2:30 p.m. There is no program cost, and lunch will be available on the grounds for a nominal charge.

The Marshfield station is at 8396 Yellowstone Drive, 1/4 mile east of U.S. Highway 13 (turn on Cty. Trk. A to Yellowstone Dr.). For more information on the field day, contact the station at (715) 387-2523. The field day is sponsored by the UW-Madison College of Agricultural and Life Sciences and UW-Extension, Cooperative Extension.