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Core 4 Conservation Partners


Core 4 Conservation Brochures

Conservation Tillage

Nutrient Management

Weed & Pest Management (IPM)

Conservation Buffers

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Brochure Descriptions

General Core 4 
Introduces customers to the Core 4 approach. Briefly discusses economic and environmental benefits. Includes a quick overview of each of the four core systems: conservation tillage, crop nutrient management, weed and pest management, and conservation buffers. View the Brochure (Acrobat format).

Conservation Tillage 
Explains what conservation tillage is and the different types of tillage systems.  Provides management fundamentals needed to successfully apply conservation tillage.  Major production and environmental benefits are described. View the Brochure (Acrobat format).

Crop Nutrient Management 
Defines Crop Nutrient Management planning. Lists the components of a Crop Nutrient Management plan. Includes questions to ask yourself about each of the components. View the Brochure (Acrobat format).

Weed & Pest Management (IPM)
Discusses the components of weed and pest management. Lists the top 10 management strategies and explains why you need to manage weeds and other pests. View the Brochure (Acrobat format).

Conservation Buffers 
Explains what a conservation buffer is. Lists the types of buffers and explains their benefits. Provides information on why you should establish a conservation buffer. View the Brochure (Acrobat format).