Our History

In 1947, Defenders of Furbearers, the organization that would later become Defenders of Wildlife, was founded.

The fledgling organization boasted only one full-time employee and 1,500 members who made it their mission to protect coyotes and other furred animals from steel-jawed leghold traps and lethal poisons.

In 2008, over sixty years later, Defenders of Wildlife employs over 150 dedicated professionals and is supported by more than 500,000 members nationwide. Our organization has evolved to take on the task of preserving our nation’s native wildlife species and habitats.


Today, we are based in Washington, D.C., but our presence is felt around the world.

We have numerous field offices that deal specifically with the wildlife species that inhabit the states or regions in which our staff is located. We also make a point to work with in-state partners and local conservation organizations around the country and visit important sites to get a first hand look at the wildlife and lands we protect.

Our rapid development and expansion is a testament to Defenders of Wildlife’s commitment to our mission and our efforts to give our members and the wildlife they long to preserve a voice in the field and in the halls of Congress.