Water Quality Information Center of the National Agricultural Library
Agricultural Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture

Hypoxia and Eutrophication in Estuarine Waters

   JANUARY 1970 - SEPTEMBER 1996
   82 citations from AGRICOLA
   Joe Makuch
   Water Quality Information Center
   This electronic bibliography is intended primarily to provide
   awareness of recent investigations and discussions of a topic
   and is not intended to be in-depth and exhaustive. The
   inclusion or omission of a particular publication or citation
   should not be construed as endorsement or disapproval.
   Send suggestions for electronic bibliographies related to
   water resources and agriculture to wqic@nalusda.gov
   To locate a publication cited in this bibliography, please
   contact your local, state, or university library.  If you are
   unable to locate a particular publication, your library can
   contact the National Agricultural Library (please see
   "Document Delivery Services" at 
   Hypoxia and Eutrophication in Estuarine Waters
   1. An assessment of water quality in a coastal embayment
   (Phaleron Bay, Greece).
   Theodorou, A. J. 
   Water-sci-technol v.32, p.25-32. (1995).
   In the series analytic: Environment protection technologies
   for coastal areas / edited by R. Arsov, T. Gardanor, T.
   Guirguinor, G.  Mihailov, I. Papazov, A. Paskaler and I.
   Descriptors: water-pollution; water-quality; phytoplankton-;
   chlorophyll-; aquatic-communities; eutrophication-;
   nutrients-; salinity-; dissolved-oxygen; marine-ecology;
   community-ecology; mediterranean-sea; greece-
   NAL Call No.: TD420.A1P7
   2. The effect of water salinity, temperature and dissolved
   oxygen on shrimp production off Alabama and Mississippi--an
   argument for whole  fishery management.
   Clark, J. L.; Moberly, H. D. 
   J-aquat-food-prod-technol v.4, p.5-22. (1995).
   Includes references.
   Descriptors: fishery-management; shrimps-;
   environmental-impact; estuaries-; water-policy;
   water-quality; temperature-; oxygen-; literature-reviews;
   salinity-; alabama-; mississippi-
   NAL Call No.: SH334.9.J68
   3. Chesapeake Bay watershed historical land use: impact on
   water quality and diatom communities.
   Cooper, S. R. 
   Ecol-appl v.5, p.703-723. (1995).
   Includes references.
   Descriptors: estuaries-; bacillariophyta-; paleoecology-;
   marine-ecology; land-use; change-; history-; pollen-analysis;
   water-quality; anoxia-; eutrophication-; sediment-;
   stratigraphy-; geological-sedimentation; land-clearance;
   agricultural-land; watersheds-; species-diversity;
   community-ecology; turbidity-; silica-; maryland-;
   middle-atlantic-states-of-usa; virginia-; biogenic-silica
   NAL Call No.: QH540.E23
   4. Eutrophic shallow estuaries and lagoons.
   McComb, A. J. 
   Boca Raton : CRC Press, c1995. 240 p. : ill., maps.
   Includes bibliographical references and index.
   Descriptors: Eutrophication-; Eutrophication-Control;
   Estuarine-ecology; Lagoon-ecology
   NAL Call No.: QH96.8.E9E93--1995
   5. Technical analysis of response of Chesapeake Bay water
   quality model to loading scenarios.  Response of the
   Chesapeake Bay water quality model to loading scenarios.
   Thomann, R. V.; United States. Environmental Protection
   Agency. Chesapeake Bay Program. Modeling Subcommittee. 
   Annapolis, MD : U.S. Environmental Protection Agency,
   Chesapeake Bay Program Office, [1994] 1 v. (various pagings)
   : ill., 1 map.
   "Principal authors: Robert V. Thomann ... [et al.]"--P. after
   Descriptors: Water-quality-Chesapeake-Bay-Md; -and-Va;
   -Mathematical-models; Eutrophication-Chesapeake-Bay-Md;
   NAL Call No.: TD223.1.T43--1994
   6. Reaction rates and products of manganese oxidation at the
   sediment-water interface.
   Wehrli, B.; Friedl, G.; Manceau, A. 
   Adv-chem-ser p.111-134. (1995).
   In the series analytic: Aquatic Chemistry: interfacial and
   interspecies processes / edited by C.P. Huang, C.R.O. Melia
   and J.J. Morgan.
   Descriptors: sediment-water-interface; manganese-;
   oxidation-; eutrophication-
   Abstract: Manganese(II) oxidation rates in a eutrophic lake
   were calculated from a 4-year record of sediment-trap data,
   and the structure of the  prevailing manganese oxides were
   determined by extended X-ray absorption fine structure
   (EXAFS) spectroscopy. The oxidation rate near the  sediment
   surface showed a distinct seasonal pattern, with maxima of up
   to 2.8 mmol/m2 per day during summer. The average half-life
   of Mn(II)  during stagnation in summer was 1.4 days. A review
   of published oxidation rates showed that this half-life,
   which cannot be explained with  available data of abiotic
   surface catalysis, is within the typical range of
   microbiological oxidation. EXAFS revealed that the oxidation
   product  consists mainly of vernadite (delta-MnO2), an
   X-ray-amorphous Mn(IV) oxide.
   NAL Call No.: 381-Ad93
   7. Microbiological quality of shellfish-growing waters in
   Chesapeake Bay.
   Chai, T. J.; Han, T. J.; Cockey, R. R. 
   J-food-prot v.57, p.229-234. (1994).
   Includes references.
   Descriptors: shellfish-; food-contamination;
   escherichia-coli; bacterial-count; water-quality;
   fish-culture; maryland-
   Abstract: A total of 338 water samples were collected at 20
   stations from three geographically shellfish-growing areas in
   Chesapeake Bay from May  to September 1989.  Samples were
   examined for standard plate count, total coliforms, fecal
   coliforms, Escherichia coli and coliphages.   Salinity,
   dissolved oxygen and temperature varied slightly with the
   depth, season, and geographic area of water samples.  The
   geometric means  of standard plate count for the three areas
   were 135, 355 and 275/ml, respectively. The range of means of
   fecal coliform for these areas was  from < 3 to 93/100 ml.
   Escherichia coli counts were also low with a range of < 3 to
   93/100 ml and a mean of < 3/100 ml.  The growing water  area
   adjacent to cropland was found to have higher bacterial
   counts than those of the other two areas.  Levels of
   male-specific phages were very  low. Results indicate that
   shellfish-growing waters in all three areas were of
   satisfactory bacteriological quality.
   NAL Call No.: 44.8-J824
   8. Managing the aquatic environment.
   Atkins, R. P.; Deeley, D. M.; McAlpine, K. W. 
   Fertil-res v.36, p.171-175. (1993).
   In the special issue: Fertilizers and eutrophication in
   South-Western Australia / edited by E.P. Hodgkin and J.S.
   Descriptors: estuaries-; water-management;
   aquatic-environment; environmental-management; algae-;
   nutrients-; eutrophication-; water-quality; western-australia
   Abstract: The primary objective for managing eutrophic
   waterbodies must be to reduce the level of available
   nutrients. However, where diffuse  agricultural runoff is the
   principal source of nutrients, this is slow and difficult to
   achieve. In the meantime symptoms--principally the excessive 
   growth of algae--must be managed in the interests of nearby
   human populations and of the ecosystems themselves. The
   management measures  currently employed in large coastal
   waterbodies in southwestern Australia are mainly mechanical
   collection and disposal of algal  accumulations. These do not
   significantly reduce nutrient levels. However, removal of the
   algae allows smothered seagrasses to regenerate and  prevents
   the release of nutrients from anoxic surface sediments under
   decaying algal masses. Other measures appropriate to smaller
   water  bodies include the use of algicide, chemical
   treatment, and dredging. The channel from Harvey Estuary to
   the sea (under construction) has the  potential to
   significantly reduce nutrients and algal growth in
   Peel-Harvey estuary by increasing exchange with the sea.
   NAL Call No.: S631.F422
   9. Managing nutrient losses from rural point sources and
   urban environments.
   Weaver, D. M. 
   Fertil-res v.36, p.165-170. (1993).
   In the special issue: Fertilizers and eutrophication in
   South-Western Australia / edited by E.P. Hodgkin and J.S.
   Descriptors: watershed-management; sandy-soils;
   coastal-plain-soils; nutrients-; losses-; point-sources;
   nutrient-sources; eutrophication-; drainage-; water-quality;
   Abstract: Nutrient loss from rural point sources and urban
   environments need to be minimized as part of strategies to
   overcome declining water  quality on the Swan Coastal Plain
   and in the Peel-Harvey estuary in Western Australia. This
   paper discusses the management of nutrient losses  from
   domestic effluent, urban stormwater runoff, domestic gardens
   and public open space, intensive animal industries and
   intensive irrigated  agriculture. Measures to minimize
   nutrient losses from these sources are outlined, using
   cooperative, technological and regulatory approaches.
   NAL Call No.: S631.F422
   10. Hydrology of the Peel-Harvey estuary catchment.
   Ruprecht, J. K.; George, P. R. 
   Fertil-res v.36, p.127-133. (1993).
   In the special issue: Fertilizers and eutrophication in
   South-Western Australia / edited by E.P. Hodgkin and J.S.
   Descriptors: catchment-hydrology; coastal-plain-soils;
   agricultural-development; drainage-; water-balance;
   phosphorus-; retention-; losses-from-soil; estuaries-;
   water-pollution; seasonal-variation; western-australia
   Abstract: This paper discusses the land types, hydrologic
   characteristics and processes, and the major modification of
   these, in relation to  mechanisms and magnitude of phosphorus
   losses to drains and riverine systems which discharge to the
   Peel-Harvey estuary. About 75% of the  coastal plain part of
   the catchment is cleared of native vegetation and used for
   dryland, dairy and beef grazing. There are small areas
   devoted to  irrigated pasture and commercial horticulture.
   Seventy-five percent of the soils of the catchment are sandy
   surfaced with a poor capacity to  retain phosphorus. Though
   the area is flat, catchment water yields are high because of
   a large winter rainfall excess and low soil storage 
   capacity. Drainage schemes have been constructed in much of
   the catchment to remove excess water quickly. This was
   required initially to  allow agricultural expansion and is
   now important for protecting a growing infrastructure which
   serves the most populous region of Western  Australia.
   NAL Call No.: S631.F422
   11. Eutrophic waters of southwestern Australia.
   McComb, A. J.; Davis, J. A. 
   Fertil-res v.36, p.105-114. (1993).
   In the special issue: Fertilizers and eutrophication in
   South-Western Australia / edited by E.P. Hodgkin and J.S.
   Descriptors: aquatic-environment; eutrophication-;
   environmental-impact; water-quality; water-pollution;
   phosphorus-; limiting-factors; phosphorus- fertilizers;
   nutrient-sources; point-sources; western-australia
   Abstract: Water bodies in coastal areas of southwestern
   Australia are predisposed to eutrophication. The sandy soils
   of the catchments retain  nutrients poorly, streamflow is
   highly seasonal. most freshwater wetlands are small and
   shallow, and the estuaries are poorly flushed. Nearshore 
   waters lack the conventional upwelling of other coastal
   regions in these latitudes. Consequences include increased
   macroalgal growth and  phytoplankton blooms, especially of
   cyanobacteria, and loss of seagrasses. Changes to fish and
   invertebrate populations result both from  increased algal
   production and low oxygen concentrations. Algal toxins and
   outbreaks of botulism have caused waterbird casualties. 
   Phosphorus is especially important in controlling plant
   biomass in freshwater wetlands and estuaries, and N in some
   wetlands and coastal  embayments. In the examples reviewed
   here nutrients are derived mainly from fertilizer
   applications in catchments and rural industries, and  from
   sewage and individual discharges to coastal waters.
   NAL Call No.: S631.F422
   12. Fertilizers and eutrophication in southwestern Australia:
   setting the scene.
   Hodgkin, E. P.; Hamilton, B. H. 
   Fertil-res v.36, p.95-103. (1993).
   In the special issue: Fertilizers and eutrophication in
   South-Western Australia / edited by E.P. Hodgkin and J.S.
   Descriptors: aquatic-environment; eutrophication-; history-;
   phosphorus-fertilizers; phosphorus-; nutrient-sources;
   point-sources; losses-from-soil; watershed-management;
   pollution-control; water-pollution; problem-solving;
   water-quality; western-australia
   Abstract: An excess of plant nutrients has caused serious
   eutrophication in aquatic ecosystems of southwestern
   Australia manifested by excessive  growth and accumulation of
   green and bluegreen algae. Phosphorus is generally the
   limiting nutrient for algal growth and phosphatic fertilizers 
   applied to nutrient-deficient, leaching, sandy soils are the
   main source of P, supplemented by rural industry point
   sources. Nitrogen is the  limiting nutrient in marine
   embayments with little drainage from the land. Measures to
   reduce the load of P delivered to drainage include basing 
   fertilizer application rates on soil testing for P and the
   use of less soluble P fertilizers. Catchment management plans
   are being implemented  with community involvement to reduce P
   loads and maintain agricultural production. This introductory
   paper reviews the history of  eutrophication in southwestern
   Australia and of studies into its causes, principally in the
   large Peel-Harvey estuary. It briefly summarizes other 
   papers in this special issue concerned with different aspects
   of the problem: how to fertilize the land without causing
   NAL Call No.: S631.F422
   13. Bauxite residue (Red Mud) increases phosphorus retention
   in sandy soil catchements in Western Australia.
   Summers, R. N.; Guise, N. R.; Smirk, D. D. 
   Fertil-res v.34, p.85-94. (1993).
   Includes references.
   Descriptors: sandy-soils; phosphorus-; leaching-;
   losses-from-soil; bauxite-residues; soil-amendments;
   spreading-; nutrient-retention; adsorption-; phosphogypsum-;
   superphosphate-; watersheds-; water-quality; stream-flow;
   nutrient-content; salinity-; water-flow; comparisons-;
   seasonal- fluctuations; eutrophication-; western-australia
   Abstract: The Peel-Harvey estuary on the Swan Coastal Plain,
   Western Australia has become eutrophic partly  because of the
   leaching of fertiliser  phosphorus from sandy soils.  The
   acid, coarse textured sandy   soils are predominantly quartz,
   have a low iron and aluminium content and do  not retain  
   phosphorus.  Red mud, derived from bauxite, is a by-product
   of the alumina industry and has the   ability to retain
   phosphorus.   Retention of phosphorus is enhanced when the
   red mud is neutralised   with gypsum.  Red mud has been
   suggested as a soil amendment to  reduce phosphorus leaching.
   To   investigate the reduction in the leaching of phosphorus
   from soils amended with red mud, weirs  were  constructed at
   the outlets from a pair of catchments to quantify the amount
   of phosphorus in   the streamflow.  Both catchments were deep
   grey  Bassendean sand.  One of the catchments was   treated
   with 80 t/ha of red mud which had been neutralised with waste
   gypsum from the  phosphate   industry.  The red mud was
   applied to the soil surface using conventional fertiliser
   spreading   equipment.  The other catchment was  untreated.
   The red mud reduced phosphorus loss by 70% from   13.8 kg/ha
   on the untreated catchment, to 4.2 kg/ha on the treated
   catchment.   Both catchments   were treated with 20.4 kg/ha
   of phosphorus as superphosphate.  The catchment treated with
   red mud   also received a further  41.5 kg/ha of phosphorus
   from the phosphogypsum that was used to   neutralise the red
   mud. Our results show that red mud reduces phosphorus 
   leaching and is.  environment and has implications for the
   continued  expansion and intensification of agriculture in
   the Peel-Harvey catchment.
   NAL Call No.: S631.F422
   14. Sedimentary molybdenum : a geochemical indicator of
   anoxia in Chesapeake Bay.  Geochemical indicator of anoxia in
   Chesapeake Bay.
   Miller, C. V.; University of Maryland at College Park. Dept.
   of Chemistry and Biochemistry. 
   1992. x, 245 leaves : ill..
   Thesis research directed by Dept. of Chemistry and
   Descriptors: Estuarine-sediments-Chesapeake-Bay-Md; -and-Va;
   Sediments-Geology-Analysis; Water-Chesapeake-Bay-Md; -and-Va;
   -Dissolved- oxygen; Molybdenum-
   NAL Call No.: MdU LD3231.M70d-Miller,-C.V.
   15. Experimental design: the neglected aspect of
   environmental monitoring.
   Rose, K. A.; Smith, E. P. 
   Environ-Manage v.16, p.691-700. (1992).
   Includes references.
   Descriptors: estuaries-; environmental-protection;
   monitoring-; dissolved-oxygen; experimental-design;
   NAL Call No.: HC79.E5E5
   16. Toxicity of edible mussels (Mytilus edulis) growing
   naturally in an estuary during a water bloom of the
   blue-green alga Nodularia  spumigena.
   Falconer, I. R.; Choice, A.; Hosja, W. 
   Environ-Toxicol-Water-Qual v.7, p.119-123. (1992).
   Includes references.
   Descriptors: mytilus-edulis; cyanobacteria-;
   microbial-contamination; food-contamination; toxicity-;
   seafoods-; eutrophication-; estuaries-; western- australia;
   peel-harvey-estruary; nodularia-bloom
   Abstract: Possible accumulation of toxicity by edible mussels
   growing in a water bloom of Nodularia was investigated during
   the annual  eutrophication of a brackish/marine water estuary
   in Western Australia. At a cell density of 100,000 cells/mL
   water, during the growth phase of  the bloom, the gut and gut
   contents of mussels showed the highest toxicity of about 90
   mg dry weight of tissue lethal to 1 kg mice by sterile 
   (boiled) i.p. injection. Death was due to hepatotoxicity. It
   was concluded that edible mussels should not be collected for
   human consumption  during a toxic blue-green algal bloom.
   NAL Call No.: RA1221.T69
   17. Nutrient management for water quality protection.
   Magette, W. L.; Weismiller, R. A. 
   Bay-Fact-Sheet. [Annapolis, Md.] : Maryland Dept. of
   Agriculture, State Soil Conservation Committee. 1984/1985.
   (3) 4 p. 
   Includes references.
   Descriptors: water-pollution; eutrophication-; nutrients-;
   nitrogen-; phosphorus-; application-rates; tillage-;
   conservation-; maryland-
   NAL Call No.: TD225.A123B39
   18. Biogeochemistry of major world rivers.
   Degens, E. T.;  Kempe, S.;  Richey, J. E. 1.; International
   Council of Scientific Unions. Scientific Committee on
   Problems of the Environment. 
   Chichester ; New York : Published on behalf of the Scientific
   Committee on Problems of the Environment (SCOPE) of the
   International  Council of Scientific Unions (ICSU), and the
   United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) by Wiley, c1991.
   xxiv, 356 p. : ill., maps.
   Includes bibliographical references and indexes.  Spatial
   variability of river plumes and eutrophication / Karl-Heinz
   Szekielda and David McGinnis -- Remote sensing of water
   substances  in rivers, estuarine and coastal waters / Jurgen
   Fischer, Roland Doerffer and Hartmut Grassl -- The
   biogeochemistry of a major river system :  the Amazon case
   study / Jeffrey E. Richey ... [et al.] -- Carbon and mineral
   transport in major North American, Russian Arctic, and
   Siberian  rivers : the St. Lawrence, the Mackenzie, the
   Yukon, the Arctic Alaskan rivers, the Arctic Basin rivers in
   the Soviet Union, and the Yenisei /  S.A. Telang ... [et al.]
   -- Biogeochemical aspects of South American rivers : the
   Parana and the Orinoco / Pedro J. Depetris and Jorge E.
   Paolini  -- Biogeochemistry of major African rivers : carbon
   and mineral transport / Olasumbo Martins and Jean-Luc Probst
   -- Carbon transport by the  Himalayan rivers / V. Subramanian
   and V. Ittekkot.
   Descriptors: Biogeochemistry-; Stream-ecology;
   NAL Call No.: QH343.7.B56-1990
   19. Costs for nitrogen source reduction in a eutrophicated
   bay in Sweden.
   Andreasson Gren, I. M. 
   Ecol-Econ-Environ. Dordrecht : Kluwer. 1991. v. 1 p. 173-188. 
   In the series analytic: Linking the natural environment and
   the economy: essays from the Eco-Eco Group / edited by C.
   Folke and T.  Kaberger.
   Descriptors: nitrogen-; estuaries-; eutrophication-;
   cost-effectiveness-analysis; application-rates;
   oxygen-requirement; leakage-; mathematical-models;
   aquatic-plants; sweden-; laholm-bay
   NAL Call No.: HC79.E5E26
   20. Changes in an estuarine ecosystem: the Lagoon of Venice
   as a case study.
   Pavoni, B.; Marcomini, A.; Sfriso, A.; Donazzolo, R.; Orio,
   A. A. 
   A-C-S-Symp-Ser-Am-Chem-Soc p.287-305. (1992).
   In the series analytic: The science of global change: the
   impact of human activities on the environment / edited by
   D.A. Dunnette and R.J.  O'Brien.
   Descriptors: lagoons-; water-quality; water-pollution;
   case-studies; italy-
   Abstract: Metal and hydrocarbon pollution and eutrophication
   that have occurred in the Lagoon of Venice in this century
   are discussed. The  evolution of pollutant concentrations and
   fluxes has been determined by analyzing sections of
   radioisotopically-dated sediment cores. Metal  loads in the
   superficial sediments and concentrations of metals and
   hydrocarbons in various organisms are reported. The
   eutrophication increase  has been monitored both by analyzing
   changes occurring in algal and animal associations, and by
   comparing nutrient concentrations obtained  during different
   periods using the same methodologies. An evaluation of
   present Lagoon conditions is presented in conjunction with
   some  possible interventions that would improve future Lagoon
   NAL Call No.: QD1.A45
   21. Oxygen dynamics in the Chesapeake Bay : a synthesis of
   recent research.
   Smith, D. E.;  Leffler, M. 1.; Mackiernan, G. B. 
   College Park, Md. : Maryland Sea Grant College in cooperation
   with the Virginia Sea Grant College, c1992. xvii, 234 p. :
   ill., maps.
   Includes bibliographical references.
   Descriptors: Water-Chesapeake-Bay-Md; -and-Va;
   -Dissolved-oxygen; Biochemical-oxygen-demand;
   Estuarine-ecology-Chesapeake-Bay-Md; -and-Va
   NAL Call No.: QH541.5.E8O99-1992
   22. "It's green green, it's green they say": the story of
   nutrient enrichment of Chesapeake Bay.
   Fox, B. W. 
   Publ-Va-Coop-Ext-Serv. Blacksburg, Va. : Extension Division,
   Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. June
   1988. (390-132)  18 p. 
   Descriptors: water-pollution; eutrophication-; 4-h-clubs;
   virginia-; chesapeake-bay
   NAL Call No.: S544.3.V8V52
   23. Comparative growth of juvenile white sturgeon and striped
   bass: effects of temperature and hypoxia [Acipenser
   transmontanus, Morone  saxatilis].
   Chech, J. J. Jr.; Mitchell, S. J.; Wragg, T. E. 
   Estuaries v.7, p.12-18. maps. (1984).
   Includes references.
   NAL Call No.: GC96.E79
   24. Supply and losses of nutrients in the Laholm Bay and Lake
   Ringsjon river basins [Water quality deterioration, nitrogen,
   phosphorus, runoff,  agricultural pollution, eutrophication,
   Sweden]. Vaxtnaringstillforsel och forluster inom
   Laholmsbuktens och Ringsjons avrinningsomraden. 
   Vaxtnaringstillforsel och forluster inom Laholmsbuktens och
   Ringsjons avrinningsomraden.
   Ryding, S. O. 
   Tidskr-Kungl-Skogs-Lantbruksakademiens v.122, p.323-341.
   ill., maps. (1983).
   Presented at a conference of the Royal Swedish Academy of
   Agriculture and Forestry, April 20, 1983.
   Descriptors: Sweden-; River-Basins; Lakes-and-Ponds;
   NAL Call No.: 104-SW3
   25. Possibilities of rearing rainbow trout in eutrophic
   estuarine waters. Mozliwosci chowu pstraga teczowego w
   eutroficznych wodach  estuariowych.  Mozliwosci chowu pstraga
   teczowego w eutroficznych wodach estuariowych.
   Dogamala, J.; Kubiak, J.; Tadajewski, A.; Trzebiatowski, R. 
   Zesz-Nauk-Akad-Roln-Szczecin. Szczecin : Wydawn. Akademii.
   1982. v. 12 (93) p. 81-103. maps, plates. 
   Includes references.
   Descriptors: Poland-; Estuaries-
   NAL Call No.: 20.5-ST4
   26. Factors initiating phytoplankton blooms and resulting
   effects on dissolved oxygen in Duwanish River estuary,
   Seattle, Washington.
   Welch, E. B. E. B. 1. 
   Washington, D.C. : U.S. G.P.O., 1969. v, 62 p. : ill., map.
   Prepared in cooperation with the Municipality of Metropolitan
   Descriptors: Phytoplankton-Washington-State
   NAL Call No.: 407-G29W-no.1873-A
   27. Measurement of salt-wedge excursion distance in the
   Duwamish River estuary, Seattle, Washington, by means of the
   dissolved-oxygen  gradient.
   Dawson, W. A.; Tilley, L. J. 
   Washington, D.C. : U.S. G.P.O., 1972. iii, 27 p..
   "Prepared in cooperation with the Municipality of
   Metropolitan Seattle.".
   Descriptors: Salinity-Washington-State-Duwamish-River-estuary
   NAL Call No.: 407-G29W-no.1873-D
   28. Chesapeake Bay anoxia: origin, development, and
   significance [USA].
   Officer, C. B.; Biggs, R. B.; Taft, J. L.; Cronin, L. E.;
   Tyler, M. A. 
   Science v.223, p.22-27. maps. (1984).
   Includes references.
   Descriptors: Estuaries-; USA-
   NAL Call No.: 470-SCI2
   29. A nematode infection in the northern anchovy from San
   Francisco Bay.
   Eaton, W.; Robinson, H.; Hassur, H.; Hendricks, J. 
   Cal-Neva-Wildl-Trans. Reno : Wildlife Society, Western
   Section, and American Fisheries Society, California-Nevada
   Chapter 1982 p. 16- 26. 
   Descriptors: California-; Age-of-host; Temperature-;
   Salinity-; Oxygen-; Seasonal-distribution; Contracaecum-sp;
   Abstract: Contracaecum sp. in anchovies, effect of fish size,
   water temperature, salinity, cyanide, and dissolved oxygen
   levels in the water on  frequency of parasitism, findings
   suggest possible seasonal relationship between parasite
   infection and changing aquatic environment.
   NAL Call No.: SK351.W523
   30. Blue-green algae and fish population changes in a
   eutrophic estuary Nodularia spumigena.
   Potter, I. C.; Loneragan, N. R.; Lenanton, R. C. J.;
   Chrystal, P. J. 
   Mar-Pollut-Bull v.14, p.228-233. ill. (1983).
   Includes references.
   Descriptors: Australia-; Estuaries-
   NAL Call No.: GC1000.M3
   31. Significance of non-point sources of nutrients to
   eutrophication in the Chowan River.
   Duda, A. M.; Klimek, A. 
   Proceedings of the Workshop on Agrichemicals and Estuarine
   Productivity, Duke University Marine Laboratory, Beaufort,
   North  Carolina, September 18-19, 1980. Boulder, Colo. : U.S.
   Dept. of Commerce, NOAA, 1982. p. 95-116. ill. 
   Includes references.
   Descriptors: North-Carolina; Rivers-and-Streams
   NAL Call No.: GC97.W6-1980
   32. Seasonal changes in nutrients and dissolved oxygen in the
   Gulf of Nicoya, a tropical estuary on the Pacific coast of
   Central America.
   Epifanio, C. E.; Maurer, D.; Dittel, A. I. 
   Hydrobiologia. The Hague : W. Junk. May 6, 1983. v. 101 (3)
   p. 231-238. 
   Includes references.
   Descriptors: Central-America; Estuaries-
   NAL Call No.: 410-H992
   33. Effects of hypoxia on root and shoot respiration of
   Spartina alterniflora.
   Gleason, M. L.; Dunn, E. L. 
   Estuarine comparisons : proceedings of the Sixth Biennial
   International Estuarine Research Conference, Gleneden Beach,
   Oregon,  November 1-6, 1981 / edited by Victor S. Kennedy.
   New York : Academic Press, 1982. p. 243-253. ill. 
   Literature review.
   NAL Call No.: GC96.I57-1982
   34. Phosphorus export from coastal plain drainage into the
   Peel-Harvey estuarine system of western Australia
   Agricultural runoff,  eutrophication.
   Birch, P. B. 
   Aust-J-Mar-Freshwater-Res. East Melbourne, Commonwealth
   Scientific and Industrial Research Organization. 1982. v. 33
   (1) p. 23-32.  maps. 
   2 p. ref.
   Descriptors: Australia-
   NAL Call No.: 442.8-AU73
   35. Estuaries and nutrients.
   Neilson, B. J.;  Cronin, L. E. 1.; Chesapeake Research
   Clifton, N.J. : Humana Press, c1981. x, 643 p. : ill..
   "Papers of an International Symposium on the Effects of
   Nutrient Enrichment in Estuaries. . Williamsburg, Virginia,
   on May 29-31 of  1979"--Pref.
   Descriptors: Estuarine-ecology-Congresses;
   Eutrophication-Congresses; Estuarine-pollution-Congresses
   NAL Call No.: QH541.5.E8E8
   36. Studies of eutrophication in lakes and their relevance to
   the estuarine environment.
   Schindler, D. W. 
   Estuaries-Nutr. Clifton, N.J., Humana Press. 1979 (pub.
   1981). p. 71-82. 
   Includes 36 ref.
   NAL Call No.: QH541.5.E8E8
   37. Sources of nutrients and the sacle of eutrophication
   problems in estuaries.
   Jaworski, N. A. 
   Estuaries-Nutr. Clifton, N.J., Humana Press. 1979 (pub.
   1981). p. 83-110. map. 
   Includes 52 ref.
   NAL Call No.: QH541.5.E8E8
   38. Indicators and indices of estuarine overenrichment
   McErlean, A. J.; Reed, G. 
   Estuaries-Nutr. Clifton, N.J., Humana Press. 1979 (pub.
   1981). p. 165-182. 
   Literature review.
   NAL Call No.: QH541.5.E8E8
   39. Modeling of eutrophication in estuaries.
   O'Connor, D. J. 
   Estuaries-Nutr. Clifton, N.J., Humana Press. 1979 (pub.
   1981). p. 183-223. ill., map. 
   Includes 41 ref.
   NAL Call No.: QH541.5.E8E8
   40. Eutrophication in the Peel-Harvey estuarine system,
   western Australia Green alga, Cladophora.
   McComb, A. J.; Atkins, R. P.; Birch, P. B.; Gordon, D. M.;
   Lukatelich, R. J. 
   Estuaries-Nutr. Clifton, N.J., Humana Press. 1979 (pub.
   1981). p. 323-342. ill., map. 
   Includes 10 ref.
   Descriptors: Australia-
   NAL Call No.: QH541.5.E8E8
   41. Reversal of the eutrophication process: a case study
   Bayou Texar, Pensacola, Florida.
   Moshiri, G. A.; Aumen, N. G.; Crumpton, W. G. 
   Estuaries-Nutr. Clifton, N.J., Humana Press. 1979 (pub.
   1981). p. 373-390. map. 
   Includes 16 ref.
   Descriptors: Florida-
   NAL Call No.: QH541.5.E8E8
   42. Eutrophication trends in the water quality of the Rhode
   River (1971-1978) Maryland.
   Correll, D. L. 
   Estuaries-Nutr. Clifton, N.J., Humana Press. 1979 (pub.
   1981). p. 425-435. map. 
   Includes 14 ref.
   Descriptors: Maryland-
   NAL Call No.: QH541.5.E8E8
   43. A suggested approach for developing estuarine water
   quality criteria for management of eutrophication.
   Jaworski, N. A.; Villa, O. Jr. 
   Estuaries-Nutr. Clifton, N.J., Humana Press. 1979 (pub.
   1981). p. 499-516. 
   Includes 23 ref.
   NAL Call No.: QH541.5.E8E8
   44. Modelling and control of dissolved oxygen in an estuary
   Water quality.
   Olufeagba, B. J.; Flake, R. H. 
   Ecol-Model. Amsterdam, Elsevier. Nov 1981. v. 14 (1/2) p.
   79-94. map. 
   Includes 13 ref.
   NAL Call No.: QH541.15.M3E25
   45. A simple photometer for precise determination of
   dissolved oxygen concentration by the Winkler method with
   recommendations for  improving respiration rate measurements
   in aquatic organisms.
   Vargo, S. L.; Force, R. K. 
   Estuaries. Lawrence, Kan., Estuarine Research Federation. Mar
   1981. v. 4 (1) p. 70-74. ill. 
   NAL Call No.: GC96.E79
   46. Burton, D. T.; Richardson, L. B.; Moore, C. J. T. t. s.
   L. x. 
   Trans-Am-Fish-Soc. Lawrence, Kan., The Society. Sept 1980. v.
   109 (5) p. 552-557. ill. 
   Bibliography p. 556-557.
   NAL Call No.: 414.9-AM3
   47. Energy dynamics of the eutrophic chironomid Chironomus
   plumosus f. semireductus from the bay of Quinte, Lake
   Johannsson, O. E. 
   Can-J-Fish-Aquat-Sci-J-Can-Sci-Halieutiques-Aquat. Hull,
   Que., Minister of Supply and Services Canada. Aug 1980. v. 37
   (8) p. 1254- 1265. ill., map. 
   Bibliography p. 1264-1265.
   Descriptors: Canada-
   NAL Call No.: 442.9-C16J
   48. Anthropogenic eutrophication of the northern part of the
   Kursiu Marios Bay in 1974 and 1975.
   Jankevicius, K.; Antanyniene, A.; Baranauskiene, A.;
   Budriene, S.; Mazeikaite, S.; Malamiene, B.; Slapkauskaite,
   G.; Sulijiene, R.; Jankaviciute, G. 
   Darb-Tr-Ser-C-Ser-V-Liet-T-S-R-Mokslu-Akad. Vilnius,
   Akademija. 1979. (3) p. 49-60. ill. 
   18 ref.
   Descriptors: USSR-
   NAL Call No.: 511-AK192D
   49. Subfossil chironomids as evidence of eutrophication in
   Ekoln Bay, central Sweden.
   Wiederholm, T.; Eriksson, L. 
   Hydrobiologia. The Hague Feb 12, 1979. v. 62 (3) p. 195-208.
   ill., map. 
   23 ref.
   Descriptors: Sweden-
   NAL Call No.: 410-H992
   50. Effect of dissolved oxygen on chemical transformations of
   heavy metals, phosphorus, and nitrogen in an estuarine
   Khalid, R. A.; Patrick, W. H. J.; Gambrell, R. P. 
   Estuarine-Coastal-Mar-Sci, Jan 1978, 6 (1): 21-35. Ref. 
   NAL Call No.: GB451.E7
   51. Phosphorus distribution in the Chesapeake Bay
   Taft, J. L.; Taylor, W. R. 
   Chesapeake-Sci, June 1976, 17 (2): 67-73. Maps. Ref. 
   NAL Call No.: 409.6-C42
   52. Eutrophication in Mikawa Bay
   Saijo, Y. 
   In Science for Better Environment; Proceedings of the
   International Congress on the Human Environment, 1975 (Pub.
   1976), p. 460-463.  Map. 
   Descriptors: Japan-
   NAL Call No.: TD169.I565-1975
   53. Nitrogen, phosphorus and carbon flux in Chesapeake Bay
   marshes [Watersheds, eutrophication, water quality]
   Axelrad, D. M.; Moore, K. A.; Bender, M. E. 
   Bull-Water-Resour-Res-Cent-Va-Polytech-Inst-State-Univ, Jan
   1976, 79, 182 p. Maps. Ref. 
   NAL Call No.: TD201.V57
   54. Seasonal changes of rooted water plants of the Pamlico
   River estuary [Eutrophication]
   Davis, G. J. 
   Annu-Rep-N-C-Univ-Water-Resour-Res-Inst, 1975, p. 51. 
   Descriptors: North-Carolina
   NAL Call No.: TD201.N67
   55. Nutrients and eutrophication in the Pamlico River
   Estuary, North Carolina, 1971--1973. [Phytoplankton]
   Hobbie, J. E. 
   Rep-Water-Resour-Res-Inst-Univ-N-C, Aug 1974, 100, 239 p.
   Descriptors: North-Carolina
   NAL Call No.: TD201.N6
   56. Inorganic nitrogen metabolism in a eutrophicated tropical
   mangrove estuary [Water pollutio]
   Nedwell, D. B. 
   Water-Res, Feb 1975, 9 (2): 221-231. Ref. 
   NAL Call No.: TD420.W3
   57. Causes and probable correctives for oxygen depletion fish
   kills in the Dickinson Bayou estuary: a field study and
   simplified algal assay  [Eutrophication]
   Knudson, K.; Belaire, C. E. 
   Contrib-Mar-Sci-Port-Aransas, Aug 1975, 19: 37-48. Map. Ref. 
   NAL Call No.: 442.9-T31
   58. Nutrients and eutrophication in the Pamlico River
   Estuary, N. c., 1971-1973
   Hobbie, J. E. 
   Raleigh, 1974, 239 p. illus..
   Bibliography: p. 95-96.
   59. Dissolved oxygen dynamics: Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta
   and Suisun Bay A cooperative study of the Department of Fish
   and Game and  the Department of Water Resources
   California Dept. of Fish and Game. 
   [Sacramento?] California Resources Agency, 1972, 129 p.
   Bibliography: p. 127-129.
   Descriptors: Water-; Dissolved-oxygen;
   Primary-productivity-Biology; Measurement-; California-;
   San-Joaquin-Delta; Primary-productivity-Biology; California-;
   NAL Call No.: GB705.C2C3
   60. Current status of knowledge concerning the cause and
   biological effects of eutrophication in Chesapeake Bay
   Frazier, J. M. 
   Chesapeake-Sci, Dec 1972, 13 (suppl): s144-s149. Ref. 
   NAL Call No.: 409.6-C42
   61. Effect of pulpmill effluent on dissolved oxygen in a
   stratified estuary. i. empirical observations
   Parker, R. R.; Sibert, J. 
   Water-Res, Apr 1973, 7 (4): 503-514. Ref. 
   NAL Call No.: TD420.W3
   62. Effect of pulpmill effluent on dissolved oxygen in a
   stratified estuary. iI. numerical model
   Sibert, J.; Parker, R. R. 
   Water-Res, Apr 1973, 7 (4): 515-523. Ref. 
   NAL Call No.: TD420.W3
   63. Nutrients in the Pamlico River Estuary, N. c.,
   1969--1971. [Eutrophication]
   Hobbie, J. E.; Copeland, B. J.; Harrison, W. G. 
   N-C-Univ-Water-Resour-Res-Inst-Rep, Dec 1972, 79, 242 p. map.
   Descriptors: North-Carolina
   NAL Call No.: TD201.N6
   64. Phytoplankton kinetics in a subtropical estuary:
   Caperon, J.; Cattell, S. A.; Krasnick, G. 
   Limnol-Oceanogr, July 1971, 16 (4): 599-607. map. Ref. 
   NAL Call No.: GC1.L5
   65. A simplified method of predicting dissolved oxygen
   distribution in partially- stratified estuaries
   Ratasuk, S. 
   Water-Res, Dec 1972, 6 (12): 1525-1532. Ref. 
   NAL Call No.: TD420.W3
   66. Phosphorus and eutrophication in the Pamlico River
   Estuary, N. c., 1966-1969 a summary
   Copeland, B. J. 
   [Chapel Hill, N.C.], 1972, 86 p..
   Bibliography: p. 83-86.
   67. The range of choice in water management a study of
   dissolved oxygen in the Potomac estuary.
   Davis, R. K.; Resources for the Future, i. 
   Baltimore, Johns Hopkins Press, [C1968], 196 p. illus..
   Bibliographical footnotes.
   Descriptors: Water-quality-management; Potomac-Valley;
   NAL Call No.: TD365.D3
   68. Changes in Mississippi River water quality this century:
   implications for coastal food webs.
   Turner, R. E.; Rabalais, N. N. 
   BioSci-Am-Inst-Biol-Sci v.41, p.140-147. maps. (1991).
   Includes references.
   Descriptors: river-water; water-quality; eutrophication-;
   fertilizers-; nitrates-; phosphorus-; silicates-;
   water-pollution; watersheds-; food-chains; indicator-plants;
   bacillariophyta-; phytoplankton-; louisiana-; gulf-of-mexico
   NAL Call No.: 500-AM322A
   69. Nonpoint source pollution in Delaware's inland bays.
   Ritter, W. F. 
   Am-Soc-Agric-Eng-Microfiche-Collect. St. Joseph, Mich. : The
   Society. 1988. (fiche no. 88-2083) 19 p. maps. 
   Paper presented at the 1988 Summer Meeting of the American
   Society of Agricultural Engineers. Available for purchase
   from: The  American Society of Agricultural Engineers, Order
   Dept., 2950 Niles Road, St. Joseph, Michigan 49085. Telephone
   the Order Dept. at (616)  429-0300 for information and
   Descriptors: water-pollution; marine-areas; shellfish-;
   eutrophication-; pollution-by-agriculture; nitrogen-;
   phosphorus-; delaware-
   NAL Call No.: FICHE-S-72
   70. Chesapeake Bay nonpoint source pollution.
   Macknis, J. 
   Perspectives on nonpoint source pollution : proceedings of a
   national conference, Kansas City, Missouri, May 19-22, 1985
   p.165-171. maps. (1985).
   Includes references.
   Descriptors: watersheds-; water-pollution;
   pollution-by-agriculture; nitrogen-; phosphorus-;
   eutrophication-; maryland-
   NAL Call No.: TD223.P39
   71. Eutrophication of Buttermilk Bay, a Cape Cod coastal
   embayment: concentrations of nutrients and watershed nutrient
   Valiela, I.; Costa, J. E. 
   Environ-Manage v.12, p.539-553. maps. (1988).
   Includes references.
   Descriptors: coastal-areas; eutrophication-; coastal-lagoons;
   groundwater-; watersheds-; septic-tank-effluent;
   nutrient-contents; nitrogen-; phosphorus-; massachusetts-
   NAL Call No.: HC79.E5E5
   72. Bottom sediments and nutrients in the tidal Potomac
   system, Maryland and Virginia.
   Glenn, J. L.; Geological Survey (U.S.). 
   [Washington, D.C.] : U.S. G.P.O. ; Denver, CO : For sale by
   the Books and Open-File Reports Section, U.S. Geological
   Survey, 1988.  viii, 74 p. : ill., maps.
   Three folded maps in pocket.
   Descriptors: Water-Pollution-Potomac-River-Watershed;
   Eutrophication-Potomac-River-Watershed; Water-chemistry
   NAL Call No.: 407-G29W-no.2234-F
   73. Hypoxia and salinity in Virginia estuaries.
   Kuo, A. Y.; Neilson, B. J. 
   Estuaries v.10, p.277-283. ill., maps. (1987).
   Includes references.
   Descriptors: estuaries-; hypoxia-; salinity-;
   fishery-management; virginia-; chesapeake-bay,-virginia
   NAL Call No.: GC96.E79
   74. Nitrogen and phosphorus inputs to Chesapeake Bay.
   Fisher, T. R. 
   The Chesapeake : prologue to the future : proceedings from
   the Chesapeake Bay Symposium / Valerie Chase, editor; Sue
   Gammisch,  conference coordinator. Baltimore, Md. : National
   Aquarium Baltimore, [1985]. p. 58-62. 
   Includes references.
   Descriptors: estuaries-; saline-water; pollutants-;
   eutrophication-; anoxia-; plankton-; ammonium-compounds;
   nitrites-; nitrates-; phosphates-; delaware-; maryland-;
   NAL Call No.: GC97.N3-1985
   75. Nutrients in estuaries, eutrophication and other aspects
   : proceedings of the EBSA/Hydrobiological Society symposium,
   Texel, the  Netherlands, 11-13 September 1984.
   EBSA/Hydrobiological Society Symposium (1984 : Texel, N. 
   Texel : Nederlands Instituut voor Onderzoek, 1985. p. 191-285
   : ill., maps.
   "December 1985."--cover.
   76. Monitoring effects of catchment management practices on
   phosphorus loads into the eutrophic Peel-Harvey estuary,
   Western Australia.
   Birch, P. B.; Forbes, G. G.; Schofield, N. J. 
   Water-Sci-Technol v.18, p.53-61. maps. (1986).
   Includes references.
   Descriptors: pollution-by-agriculture; catchment-planning;
   phosphorus-residual-effect; runoff-water;
   environmental-pollution; western-australia; estuaries-;
   agricultural-runoff; non-point-source-pollution
   NAL Call No.: TD420.A1P7
   77. "Red tide" of Prorocentrum micans Ehr. and Exuviaella
   cordata Ost. in the Bay of Varna and on the Black Sea coast
   in November of 1984.
   Petrova Karadzhova, V. I. 
   Khidrobiologiia. Sofia : Bulgarska akademiia na naukite.
   1985. v. 26 p. 70-74. 
   Includes 18 references.
   Descriptors: sea-water; eutrophication-; algae-; species-;
   NAL Call No.: QH90.A1K48
   78. The role of phytoplankton in the dissolved oxygen budget
   of a stratified estuary.
   Soulsby, P. G.; Mollowney, M.; Marsh, G.; Lowthion, D. 
   Water-Sci-Technol v.17, p.745-756. ill., maps. (1985).
   Includes references.
   Descriptors: phytoplankton-; dissolved-oxygen;
   hydrodynamics-; models-; england-; estuaries-;
   NAL Call No.: TD420.A1P7
   79. Empirical relationships between bacterial abundance and
   chlorophyll concentration in fresh and marine waters.
   Bird, D. F.; Kalff, J. 
   Can-J-Fish-Aquat-Sci-J-Can-Sci-Halieutiques-Aquat v.41,
   p.1015-1023. ill. (1984).
   Includes references.
   Descriptors: eutrophication-; sea-water; algae-; bacteria-;
   quebec-; estuaries-; lakes-; fresh-water; sea-water
   NAL Call No.: 442.9-C16J
   80. Mediaeval man-made lakes: progeny and casualties of
   English social history, patients of Twentieth Century ecology
   [Norfolk Broadland].
   Moss, B. 
   Trans-R-Soc-S-Afr v.45, p.115-128. maps. (1984).
   Includes references.
   Descriptors: water-pollution; pollution-by-agriculture;
   eutrophication-; environmental-degradation;
   environmental-policy; history-; england-; lakes-; rivers-;
   estuaries-; fens-; marshes-
   NAL Call No.: 515-SO8A
   81. Measurement of salt-wedge excursion distance in the
   Duwamish River estuary, Seattle, Washington, by means of the
   dissolved-oxygen  gradient.
   Dawson, W. A.; Tilley, L. J. 
   Washington, D.C. : U.S. G.P.O., 1972. iii, 27 p..
   "Prepared in cooperation with the Municipality of
   Metropolitan Seattle.".
   Descriptors: Salinity-Washington-State-Duwamish-River-estuary
   NAL Call No.: 407-G29W-no.1873-D
   82. Factors initiating phytoplankton blooms and resulting
   effects on dissolved oxygen in Duwanish River estuary,
   Seattle, Washington.
   Welch, E. B. E. B. 1. 
   Washington, D.C. : U.S. G.P.O., 1969. v, 62 p. : ill., map.
   Prepared in cooperation with the Municipality of Metropolitan
   Descriptors: Phytoplankton-Washington-State
   NAL Call No.: 407-G29W-no.1873-A

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J. R. Makuch /USDA-ARS-NAL-WQIC/ jmakuch@nal.usda.gov