Programs and Policy

Defenders of Wildlife is dedicated to the protection of all native animals and plants in their natural communities. As a solutions-based organization, we use a multi-pronged approach of education, advocacy, research and litigation to ensure the conservation of wildlife for generations to come to enjoy and cherish.

Wildlife Conservation

Defenders develops and champions practical solutions to save a wide variety of North American species, including keystone creatures such as gray wolves, grizzly bears, sea otters and jaguars.

Habitat Conservation

Defenders promotes progressive land-use strategies on federal state and private lands that safeguard key habitats such as wetlands, deserts, forests and grasslands from development and degradation.

Global Warming

By taking immediate steps to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, we can address the root cause of global warming. And by embracing conservation measures, we can help polar bears and other affected wildlife adapt to, and navigate through, the looming bottleneck of complex threats posed by climate change.

International Conservation

The International Program at Defenders of Wildlife focuses our scientific, legal and policy expertise on the protecting global biodiversity; preserving tropical forests; stopping global warming; reforming the wildlife trade; and blocking imports of harmful non-native species into the United States.

Conservation Science and Economics

Defenders' scientists work on the ground and nationally to ensure that the best available science is used to make decisions on wildlife management. Our economists demonstrate the economic benefits of conserving species and habitat.

In the Courts

After all other options to solve a problem have been exhausted, Defenders' legal experts use the courts to ensure vital protections for wildlife and habitat.

Policy and Legislation

Defenders mobilizes supporters and partners on the international, national, state and local levels to secure laws and policies that safeguard wild species and their habitats.

Biodiversity Partnership