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       MSU Extension and Experiment Station Council


Michigan State University Extension
Thomas G. Coon, Director
Agriculture Hall,
Room 108
Michigan State University
East Lansing,
MI 48824-1039
Phone: 517-355-2308
Fax: 517-355-6473
Contact Us
Welcome - State Council

Michigan State University Extension (MSUE) and the Michigan Agricultural Experiment Station (MAES) link the issues of concern in local communities with the research and teaching at the state’s land grant university. A network for organized citizen input at the local and state levels enhances that linkage. County Extension councils identify and prioritize issues, seek collaborations and resources, and communicate to others the importance of Extension’s educational programming. Citizen Advisory Councils help establish research priorities at the state’s 14 field stations. The MSU Extension and Experiment Station Council serves as a liaison between county councils, field station advisory groups and state agencies and organizations. Members are able to communicate to others (policymakers, organizations and agencies, university administrators etc.) the importance of the educational programming and the applied research from Michigan’s land grant university. 

The MSU Extension and Experiment Station Council was founded in 1998 to help Michigan State University Extension and the Michigan Agricultural Experiment Station link the issues of concern in local communities with the research and teaching at the state's land grant university.

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State Council Directory

2008 MSU Extension and Experiment Station Council


Ken Blight Southwest
Christopher Boyle Southeast

Don Coe


Martha Gonzalez-Cortes


Jerry DeMaire


Karl Guenther


Julie Kanouse


Patricia Killingbeck


Ben Kudwa Southwest

Judy LaCross


Richard Leach


Janice McCraner


William Menge

Upper Peninsula

Herb Ranta


Allen Russell


Tom Smith  Member-at-large

Warren Suchovsky

Upper Peninsula

Jack Thompson


Ilona Varga


Nancy Waters


Steve Yanni

Upper Peninsula

Rob Zeldenrust

West Central

Map of Coverage
2008 State Council Profiles





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MSU Extension Newsletter

To help keep the MSU Extension and Experiment Station Council updated on the latest MSU Extension News a newsletter will be published quarterly and posted here for all to read. 

January 2006 Newsletter

Archive of Newletters

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Council Correspondence

The director's office plans to communicate with state and county council members through a quarterly online newsletter, semi-annual printed newsletter and other correspondance from time to time. 

April 2005
Letter of Introduction - From Director Tom Coon (PDF)
Newsletter (PDF)
Citizen's Guide for Communicating with Elected Officials (PDF)  

Newsletter Archive

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State Council Contacts

Thomas Coon, MSU Extension Director

Mike Kovacic, MSUE & MAES Council Coordinator

Steve Pueppke, Director, MAES

Kay Bongard, State Council Assistant

Gwen Skinner, Public Relations Manager, MAES

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Council Nomination Information

The MSUE and MAES State Council is seeking nominations for new members for 2007-2008.  For more information download the membership brochure, letter from MAES and MSUE directors and nomination form below. 

Membership Brochure

Letter from MAES and MSUE directors

Nomination Form

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State Council Resources

Chris Peterson's presentation 3/11/08
              Power Point (27kb)
              Flash version

October 2007 Minutes

The Bioeconomy in MI, A role for MSUE & MAES

Shepherd Council presentation

Properety Value & Tax Base Erosion in MI 

LPI MI Wind Energy presentation 10/07
        WWW Flash version  
        Powerpoint version (48 MB - *large*)

March 2006 Minutes

October 2006 Minutes

March 2007 Minutes

June 2007 Minutes

State Council Operating Guidelines

Nomination Forms

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State Council Links
Highlights Detach

Get organized with help from MSU Extension home maintenance database 

Do your New Year's resolutions include taking care of some long-overdue home maintenance challenges? Would you like to make your own environmentally and economically friendly cleaning supplies? Check out these and numerous other household topics on the recently updated MSU Extension Home Maintenance and Repair Database. 

This online resource features simple procedures for making home repairs and performing home maintenance tasks. Discover simple carpet stain removal strategies and other cleaning tips, and information about everything from spring cleaning to winterizing a vacation home.  

Photo courtesy Kate Sumbler

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MSUE Hot Topics Detach
 Site MapLinking | Disclaimer | Anti-Discrimination Statement © 2003 Michigan State University    
MSU is an affirmative-action, equal-opportunity employer. Michigan State University Extension programs and materials are open to all without regard to race, color, national origin, gender, gender identity, religion, age, height, weight, disability, political beliefs, sexual orientation, marital status, family status or veteran status. Issued in furtherance of MSU Extension work, acts of May 8 and June 30, 1914, in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Thomas G. Coon, Director, MSU Extension, East Lansing, MI 48824. This information is for educational purposes only. Reference to commercial products or trade names does not imply endorsement by MSU Extension or bias against those not mentioned.