Western Water Magazine

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Western Water Magazine Yearly Subscription $50.00

The Foundations's "flagship" is its bimonthly Western Water magazine. Each issue examines a

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A Significant Challenge: Adapting Water Management to Climate Change $7.00

January/February 2008. This printed copy of Western Water examines climate change – what’s known

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1922-2007: 85 Years of the Colorado River Compact $3.00

November/December 2007. This issue of Western Water marks the 85th anniversary of the Colorado

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The California Plan and the Salton Sea $3.00

November/December 2001. This issue updates progress on California’s Colorado River Water Use Plan

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Delta Debate $3.00

March/April 1998. An expanded issue of Western Water published shortly after the release of the

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Climate Change and Water: What Might the Future Hold? $3.00

May/June 1998. The potential for global warming and what effect it may have on weather and water

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Twenty Years of H20 $3.00

January/February 1997. In honor of the Water Education Foundation’s 20th anniversary, this issue

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Flood Fight: Perspective on the New Year's Floods $3.00

March/April 1997. Within weeks of the state’s second-most devastating floods, an examination of

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Central Valley Project Improvement Act Update $3.00

May/June 1997 The landmark Central Valley Project Improvement Act brought fundamental change to

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Lake Tahoe: A Watershed Management Study $3.00

July/August 1997. Published in anticipation of President Clinton’s special issues forum on Lake

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The Colorado River Compact: 75 Years Later $3.00

September/October 1997. An expanded issue of Western Water offered comprehensive coverage of the

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The EPA and Water Quality: A Conversation with Carol Browner $3.00

November/December 1997. Established in 1970, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has broad

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The Future of Farming in the Central Valley $3.00

September/October 1998 A combination of individual entrepreneurship and federal policies

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CALFED and the Delta Fix $3.00

January/February 1999. The CALFED Bay-Delta Revised Phase II Plan, released in December 1998, is

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The Davis Administration and California Water: A Conversation with Mary Nichols $3.00

March/April 1999. With the election of Gray Davis as governor, new leaders are assuming top

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Where Science and Public Policy Meet: A Roundtable Discussion $3.00

May/June 1999. What happens when science and public policy meet? What is good science? How do we

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The South Yuba: One River, Two Visions $3.00

July/August 1999. This issue documents the struggle between Nevada County and Yuba County interests

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Getting Serious About Salt $3.00

September/October 1999 Urban Water Purveyors Seek Solution to Mounting Problem. In a semi-arid

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Managing the Colorado River $3.00

November/December 1999. Drawn from a special stakeholder symposium held in September 1999 in

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Update on the Central Valley Project Improvement Act $3.00

January/February 2000. The controversy that began nine years ago when the Central Valley Project

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Water and Growth: A Roundtable Discussion $3.00

March/April 2000. How are water and growth connected? Should there be a stronger link? What is the

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The Klamath River Basin: A Microcosm of Water in the West $3.00

May/June 2000. An expanded issue of Western Water profiles the conflicts and cooperative efforts

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Delta Deal? $3.00

July/August 2000. The pieces of the political puzzle appeared to be in place in June when top state

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Cutting Colorado River Use: The California Plan $3.00

November/December 1998. This issue updates progress on crafting and implementing California’s 4.4

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The Mojave River Basin Decision $3.00

September/October 2000. The importance of water rights was affirmed in the California Supreme

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A Colorado River Compromise $3.00

November/December2000. This issue focuses on the seven-state compromise on new Colorado River

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Drinking Water Challenges: A Roundtable Discussion $3.00

January/February 2001. Significant technological advancements in monitoring, assessing and treating

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Is the California Water Market Open for Business? $3.00

March/April 2001. Water marketing is viewed by many as a key component in the state’s ongoing

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TMDLs: A Tool for Better Water Quality? $3.00

May/June 2001. The continued effort to improve water quality and reduce nonpoint source pollution

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Conjunctive Use: Banking for a Dry Day $3.00

July/August 2001. Although some water districts have coordinated use of surface water and

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Dealing with the Shock: Shedding Light on the Link Between Water and Power in California $3.00

September/October 2001. The California power crisis has made international headlines. But what is

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Coping with the Threat of Terrorism $3.00

January/February 2002. The events of September 11 brought a new reality to the water world. Since

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The Colorado River: Coming to Consensus Inside: A Conversation with Assistant Interior Secretary Bennett Raley $3.00

March/April 2002. Drawn from a special Colorado River stakeholder symposium held in January 2002 at

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Shaping the West: 100 Years of Reclamation Water $3.00

May/June 2002. The Reclamation Act of 1902, which could arguably be described as a progression of

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Split Over Water for Endangered Species $3.00

July/August 2002. In California and the West, the Endangered Species Act (ESA) is a critical issue.

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CALFED Today: A Roundtable Discussion $3.00

Issue: September/October 2002. The release of the CALFED Record of Decision in 2000 marked a

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Thirty Years of the Clean Water Act: $3.00

November/December 2002 - 2002 marks the 30th anniversary of one of the most significant

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Tapping the World’s Largest Reservoir: Desalination $3.00

January/February 2003. This issue examines desalination and the role it could play in the future of

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Can California Make the 4.4 Plan Work? $3.00

March/April 2003. With passage of the original Dec. 31, 2002, deadline to have a Quantification

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Confronting a Legacy of Contamination: Perchlorate $3.00

May/June 2003. This issue of Western Water examines the problem of perchlorate contamination and

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California Groundwater: Managing A Hidden Resource $3.00

July/August 2003. This issue of Western Water examines the issue of California groundwater

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Does California Need More Surface Water Storage? $3.00

September/October 2003. This issue of Western Water explores the question of whether the state

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The Los Angeles River $3.00

November/December 2003 - This issue of Western Water examines the Los Angeles River, certainly the

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CALFED Plan:Making it happen $3.00

January/February 2004. This issue of Western Water examines the extensive activity associated with

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The Ties that Bind: The Evolving Policy of the Colorado River $3.00

March/April 2004. This issue of Western Water provides the latest information on some of the

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Mercury Rising Tackling the Legacy of the Gold Rush $3.00

May/June 2004 This issue of Western Water examines the presence of mercury in the environment

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Pharmaceuticals & Personal Care Products: An Rx for Water Quality Problems? $3.00

July/August 2004. This issue of Western Water examines PPCPs – what they are, where they come

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Flood Management 2004: A System in Peril $3.00

September/October 2004. This issue of Western Water analyzes northern California’s extensive flood

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Farms, Fish and Restoration: The Friant Decision and the Future of the San Joaquin River $3.00

November/December 2004. This issue of Western Water explores the implications for the San Joaquin

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Remnants of the Past: Management Challenges of Terminal Lakes $3.00

January/February 2005. This issue of Western Water examines the challenges facing state, federal

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CALFED at a Crossroads: A Decade of the Bay-Delta Program $3.00

March/April 2005. This issue of Western Water discusses the CALFED Bay-Delta Program and what the

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Smart Water Use: Stretching the Urban Supply $3.00

May/June 2005. This issue of Western Water examines the continuing practice of smart water use in

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On the Edge: Defusing Tensions on the Colorado River $3.00

July/August 2005. With interstate discussions of critical Colorado River issues seemingly headed

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Turning Water into Power: Hydropower Projects Under Review $3.00

September/October 2005. Hydropower generation is prevalent in the West, where rapidly flowing river

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It Can Happen Here: Assessing California’s Flood Risk $3.00

November/December 2005. This issue of Western Water examines the extent to which

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Facing the Future: Modifying Management of the Colorado River $3.00

January/February 2006. This issue of Western Water explores the issues surrounding and the

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Unlocking the Mysteries of Selenium $3.00

March/April 2006. This issue of Western Water examines that process. Much of the

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Developing a Delta Vision $3.00

May/June 2006. This issue of Western Water examines the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta as it

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Pumps, Pipes and Plants: Meeting Modern Water Infrastructure Needs $3.00

July/August 2006. This issue of Western Water looks at water infrastructure – from the

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Saving the Salmon $3.00

January/February 1998. The salmon’s natural river-to-ocean, ocean-to-river life cycle has become a

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An Inconvenient Future? Assessing the Impacts of Climate Change $3.00

September/October 2006. This issue of Western Water looks at climate change and its

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From Source to Tap: Protecting California’s Drinking Water $3.00

November/December 2006. This issue of Western Water looks at some of the issues facing

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Building a Delta Vision: A Roundtable Discussion $3.00

January/February 2007. There are multiple Delta Vision processes underway and a decision on the

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Water Policy 2007: The View from Washington and Sacramento $3.00

This issue of Western Water looks at the political landscape in Washington, D.C., and

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The Struggle to Secure Water in the Southwest $3.00

May/June 2007. This issue of Western Water asks whether a groundwater compact is needed

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Salt of the Earth: Can the Central Valley Solve its Salinity Problem? $3.00

July/August 2007. This Western Water looks at proposed new measures to deal with the century-old

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An Expanded Role for Groundwater Storage $3.00

Statewide, groundwater provides about 30 percent of California’s water supply, with some regions

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Finding a Vision for the Delta $7.00

March/April 2008. This printed copy of Western Water examines the Delta through the many ongoing

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Small Water Systems, Big Challenges $7.00

May/June. This printed copy of Western Water examines the challenges facing small water systems,

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A Drought-Proof Supply: The Promise of Recycled Water $7.00

July/August 2008. This printed copy of Western Water examines recycled water – its use, the ongoing

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Just Add Water? Restoring the Colorado River Delta $7.00

September/October 2008. This printed copy of Western Water examines the Colorado River Delta, its

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Dealing with the ‘D’ Word: The Response to Drought $7.00

November/December 2008. This printed copy of Western Water examines California’s drought – its

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Making a Future for Fish: Preserving and Restoring Native Salmon and Trout $7.00

January/February 2009. This printed copy of Western Water ex¬amines the native salmon and trout

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