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Regulatory devices

This is a brief description of the regulatory devices that are used by state agencies in Virginia. Because a prospective business activity may be affected by more than one program, early contact with DEQ and other appropriate agencies is recommended so regulatory requirements can be incorporated into early planning for the project. For details on specific types of permits, see entries under DEQ environmental permits.


Businesses may have to obtain a permit from the state to construct and operate a facility if it will produce pollution, has the potential to be hazardous, involves dredging or filling of waterways, or includes ground water withdrawal. The permit is an agreement that binds the owners to design requirements and the operators to performance procedures and standards.


Businesses can be required to document or provide affidavits showing that they are in compliance with a regulation or standard, or have constructed a facility in a certain way.


Owners or operators may have to provide notice and describe facilities that are in operation at the time a new regulation becomes effective. Registered facilities that are to be reactivated or modified are treated as new facilities, and require permits.


Businesses may be required to sample and record levels of emissions from a facility, including air pollutants, wastewater, noise and dust.


Businesses may be required to report such facts as the operation of certain types of equipment, emissions of specific pollutants, or storage and use of toxic substances.


People who perform certain tasks in a business may have to hold an occupational license in addition to the environmental permits required for the construction and/or operation of the facility.

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