March 04, 2009



Business:  ASU expert to testify before congress about bailout

Home loan modifications may be the best way to help homeowners stay in their houses and get the economy back on track, according to business professor Anthony Sanders.


Business:  'Most Accurate Economist' to receive ASU honor

Joel Naroff, who had the most accurate economic forecast among 2004-2007 Blue Chip Economics Indicators survey participants, will receive the 2008 Lawrence R. Klein Award, which is sponsored and judged by the W. P. Carey School of Business.


Business:  ASU report cites causes of state budget deficit

A report produced by the Office of the University Economist at Arizona State University cites tax reductions that weren't matched by spending cuts as a primary force behind Arizona's current economic woes.


Business:  Pinal County resale housing market sees third-quarter foreclosures rise

In Pinal County, the 3,355 recorded resale transactions in third quarter 2008 included 1,515 foreclosures or 45 percent of the resale activity.


Business:  Top business leaders recognized with high ASU honor

Three top Arizona business leaders will receive the honor of being inducted into the W. P. Carey School of Business Homecoming Hall of Fame for their contribution to the community and economy.


Business | Journalism | Social Science:  ASU experts: blog analysis predicts Presidential winner

The important new role of blogs in analyzing and predicting election results is clear, according to two ASU professors whose Web site has been monitored by many presidential candidates’ campaigns this year.


Business:  Phoenix housing prices continue to decline, index shows

The ASU-Repeat Sales Index shows Phoenix-area home prices fell in July for the 17th consecutive month, tying a record for prolonged declines set more than a decade ago.


Business:  Greater Phoenix resale numbers continue foreclosure trend

A total of 8,280 resale homes recorded sold in September, with foreclosure activity representing 44 percent (3,655 transactions).


Business:  Big Names featured in Economic Club of Phoenix Speaker Series

Valley audiences will get a chance to hear from some major players during the Economic Club of Phoenix’s speaker series this year.


Business:  Some hospitals slow to adopt life-saving IT tools

New research shows some hospitals may be much riskier places to become the victim of a medical error because they have been slower to adopt life-saving information technology tools.