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Students: The Deans' Promise

Support the Deans' Promise

Your Commitment. Our Future.

Because of our size and structure, the University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences is able to extend our students' education beyond the classroom to guide them toward the resources they need to succeed.

Because the Deans' Promise is flexible, it's open to your ideas and visions. The program is designed to allow students to work with CAES faculty and business partners to develop opportunities that will enhance their resumes and increase their value in the workplace.

How you can contribute:

Your commitment can be made in the following ways:

  • Establish a study abroad travel endowment
  • Create a research program support fund
  • Sponsor an Internship program in your company/county
  • Underwrite a service learning program support fund
  • Donors can create, sustain and enhance existing programs and new opportunities within The University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences by providing support for students, faculty, facilities and other critical needs.

For more information, contact:

Rob Cooper
Director of Development

Office of College Advancement
114 Four Towers
UGA Campus
Athens, Georgia 30602

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University of Georgia (UGA) College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (CAES)