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Students: The Deans' Promise


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"I get hugs for grades. No other class has that in the curricula."

Renee Pascale
Project FOCUS
Biology Education

The university campus can be both a beacon and safe house. At CAES we're committed to teaching you how to spread your knowledge and serve your community.

To do this, we've joined with the rest of the UGA campus to form service-learning courses. By integrating course contents with a activity the class is doing, it reinforces the course's goals and objectives. Through this integration, service-learning bridges theory and practice.

Service-learning Opportunities

Project FOCUS
UGA students majoring in any science partner with an elementary school teacher. During a semester, the students spend three hours a week teaching science in their assigned school.

Horticulture Coursework
Introduction to Horticulture; Residential Landscape Design I (design) and II (construction); Landscape Professional Practices; and GPS Applications for Landscape Managers. Each has a service-learning component ranging from mapping a city’s trees to helping economically disadvantaged homeowners by designing and installing a landscape.

Entomology Outreach and Service-Learning
The class helps a non-traditional high school by assisting its entomology class with equipment, insect collection and reference materials. Students also make presentations and coordinate the Insect Zoo held annually at UGA.

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University of Georgia (UGA) College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (CAES)