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The Office of Environmental Information (OEI), headed by the Chief Information Officer, manages the life cycle of information to support our goal of protecting human health and the environment by:

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In the News

Newspaper iconRead EPA's Information Access Strategy. The Information Access Strategy (PDF) (23pp, 813K, About PDF) is the culmination of a year-long effort to learn about the information needs and access preferences of EPA's many audiences for environmental information.   During the National Dialogue on Access to Environmental Information EPA staff from across the Agency, key stakeholders, and the public participated in on-line "Jam" sessions and face-to-face meetings to express their own needs for improved information access.  The resulting Access Strategy offers broad direction for improving access to information for EPA employees, our Federal, tribal, state and local partners, and public information audiences.

Newspaper icon Getting information about EPA data and terminology just got easier. Try our new Web sites the System of Registries (SoR) and Data Standards. Submit online comments to help us make future releases even better.

Newspaper icon The EPA Call Center receives Overall Excellence Award. The OEI-managed EPA Call Center won a Government Customer Support Award for Overall Excellence this month. This is the second consecutive year the EPA Call Center has been nominated and the first year as a finalist and winner. These awards recognize public sector help desks, contact centers, and other types of customer portals at all levels of Government.

OEI In the News

Newspaper iconActing Assistant Administrator Linda Travers discusses virtualization, desktop standardization, and other strategies OEI is taking to avoid costs. Exit EPA Disclaimer FedTech Magazine (February 17, 2009)

Newspaper iconMyra Galbreath, Director for the Office of Technology Operations and Planning, discusses the benefits of server virtualization. Exit EPA Disclaimer Government Computer News (February 9, 2009)

Newspaper iconRick Martin, Acting Director for the Office of Information Analysis and Access, discusses the use of Web 2.0 social media tools in the federal government and the advantages they provide EPA managers. Exit EPA Disclaimer Federal Computer Week (February 6, 2009)

Newspaper iconLisa Schlosser, Director for the Office of Information Collection, discusses public participation and transparency at the EPA. Exit EPA Disclaimer Nextgov (January 29, 2009)

Newspaper iconMyra Galbreath, Director for the Office of Technology Operations and Planning, former Assistant Administrator Molly O'Neill, and other leaders discuss "greening government" in a Federal Executive Forum session. Exit EPA Disclaimer Federal News Radio (February 21, 2008)

Newspaper iconActing Assistant Administrator Linda Travers and Myra Galbreath, Director for the Office of Technology Operations and Planning, discuss technology careers for women in government. Exit EPA Disclaimer Fedtech Magazine (February 8, 2008)

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