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Regulations and Assessments

International Animal Export Regulations



If you have any questions or concerns regarding these regulations for exporting animals or animal products to a foreign country, you should contact the APHIS-VS Area Office in the State from which the animals or products will be exported.

Hong Kong - Summary of Requirements

The following protocols for exporting animals to Hong Kong are available through the International Regulations Retrieval System (IRRS).

Hong Kong Importation Information: Please go to the following web-site.



As of September 5, 2008 Hong Kong has banned the importation of all birds from Peyette County, Idaho.


Horses (temporary or permanent) - For additional information Please go to the following web site.


live swine for breeding purposes - Please go to the following web site.

For additional information, please inquire at: icsenquiry@afcd.gov.hk

Dogs and Cats

Go to this web site
See "Import Requirements - Group II Countries/Places"
If Form No. VC-9R Part B (b) is marked as "False" , please contact icsenquiry@afcd.gov.hk
for additional requirements and guidance.

For species not listed, the requirements are not known. However, exporters wanting to ship livestock or germplasm whose requirements are not listed in the IRRS, should have the interested party (importer/buyer) in the country of destination apply for an Import Permit at the appropriate ministry. This Import Permit will most likely outline the specific requirements.


Last Modified: October 24, 2008