Water Education Foundation

This site lists the drinking water source for incorporated cities with a population of 10,000 or greater. Data sources: 2005 Water Education Foundation survey, water agencies, and annual water quality reports.
When a person opens a spigot to draw a glass of water, he or she may be tapping a source close to home or one hundreds of miles away. This website is intended to help Californians identify their source(s) of drinking water, learn more about how drinking water is treated, and learn how to help prevent pollution of our groundwater and surface water supplies.

Tell us what you think about this page.

Development of this website was funded by a Proposition 50 California Bay-Delta Authority Drinking Water Grant administered through the State Water Resources Control Board. Special thanks to EIP Associates for providing the GIS data for the cities.

Water BoardsCalFedEIP

Northern California North Bay Sacramento South Bay Central Valley South Bay Central Valley Inland Empire Los Angeles San Diego