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Monthly Storm Reports and Storm Data
About this Page
This page has two features: Monthly Storm Reports and Storm Data.
Monthly Storm Reports detail weather conditions in recent months, with a look at temperatures, precipitation, and severe weather (when it occurs) across Arkansas.

Storm Data reports are mostly lists of severe weather entries (on a monthly basis) as reported to the National Weather Service in Little Rock.

Monthly Storm Reports
February, 2009 - Events
January, 2009 - Final Report
Reports (Last Year)
January, 2008 - Final Report July, 2008 - Final Report
February, 2008 - Final Report August, 2008 - Final Report
March, 2008 - Final Report September, 2008 - Final Report
April, 2008 - Final Report October, 2008 - Final Report
May, 2008 - Final Report November, 2008 - Final Report
June, 2008 - Final Report December, 2008 - Final Report
Yearly Reports
2008 - Final Report 2006 - Final Report
2007 - Final Report 2005 - Final Report
Storm Data
The following data is in PDF format. If you don't have a PDF reader, you can get one free by clicking here.
December, 2008 - Final Report
November, 2008 - Final Report
October, 2008 - Final Report
September, 2008 - Final Report
August, 2008 - Final Report
July, 2008 - Final Report
June, 2008 - Final Report
May, 2008 - Final Report
April, 2008 - Final Report
March, 2008 - Final Report
February, 2008 - Final Report
January, 2008 - Final Report
Other Reports
IMPORTANT: These reports are preliminary, unofficial, and uncertified. For official, certified reports, please refer to STORM DATA...a publication produced by the National Climatic Data Center in Asheville, NC. Copies may be obtained from the National Climatic Data Center (NCDC) by calling (828) 271-4800 or by e-mail to
Event Archive
The National Climatic Data Center has an archive of events (i.e. tornadoes, hail, etc) for counties in Arkansas and other states since 1950. To access the archive, select a state below.


National Weather Service
Little Rock Weather Forecast Office
Page last modified: 01 March, 2009


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