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Spring Term 2009 EXAM SCHEDULE

*** Subject to Revision ***

Monday, May 4

0800 to 2000   All sections of Math 126 (Excluding 5-day)
Students must sign up for time with their instructor.
0800 to 1000 All classes meeting at 1400 or 1430 TR
1100 to 1300 All classes meeting at 0930 or 1000 TR
1500 to 1700  All classes meeting at 1300 or 1330 MWF
1900 to 2100 All sections of Physics 101, 102, 111, 112*  
1800 to 1900 Communication Studies 100, Section 1*  
1900 to 2000 Communication Studies 100, Section 2*  
2000 to 2100 Communication Studies 100, Section 3*  

Tuesday, May 5

0800 to 2000   All sections of Math 124
Students must sign up for time with their instructor.
0800 to 1000 All classes meeting at 1100 or 1130 MWF
1100 to 1300  All classes meeting at 0800 or 0830
1500 to 1700  All classes meeting at 1230 or 1300 TR
1900 to 2100  All sections of Chemistry 110, 115, 116  

 Wednesday, May 6
0800 to 2000   All sections of Math 150
Students must sign up for time with their instructor.
0800 to 1000  All classes meeting at 1400 or 1430
1100 to 1300 All classes meeting at 1000 or 1030 MWF
1500 to 1700  All classes meeting at 1100 or 1130 TR
1900 to 2100 All sections of MAE 242*
All sections of French, German, & Spanish
100, 101, 102, 203, 204, and 200,
and Italian 101, 102, 203 and 204

Thursday, May 7 

0800 to 2000   All sections of Math 121
Students must sign up for time with their instructor.
0800 to 1000 All classes meeting at 0900 or 0930 MWF
1100 to 1300 All sections of 5-day Math 126  
  All sections of Math 126 and Math 155  
1500 to 1700 All classes meeting at 0800 or 0830 TR
1900 to 2100 All sections of MAE 241 & 243  
All sections of Astronomy 106*
All classes meeting at 1600 or 1630*

 Friday, May 8
0800 to 2000   All sections of Math 128
Students must sign up for time with their instructor.
0800 to 1000   All classes meeting at 1530 or 1600 TR
1100 to 1300  All classes meeting at 1500 or 1530 MWF
1500 to 1700  All classes meeting at 1200 or 1230 MWF

  Saturday, May 9

0800 to 1000 All classes meeting at 1700 or 1730 MWF
1100 to 1300 All classes meeting at 1700 or 1730 TR

* Where courses overlap, conflicts must be resolved by departments.

Final examinations for classes scheduled during the evening hours will be given during the week preceding examination week (April 27 through May 1). This does not apply to departmental finals, which will be given at the times listed in the schedule above.

All final examinations, unless otherwise approved by the University, must be given according to this schedule. The only tests permitted during the week of classes preceding finals are final examinations for evening classes (classes meeting at 1800 or later, or classes meeting at 1600 or later if the class meets once a week), practical laboratory tests, make-up examinations, and regularly scheduled short quizzes. If a student has more than three final examinations in one day, the student may make arrangements to take one of the examinations on a different day. Finals are held in classrooms regularly scheduled unless students are otherwise notified.


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