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Carmen Ramirez
Education Works, Philadelphia, PA

Carmen Ramirez is currently serving her second AmeriCorps term of service with EducationWorks at Sheridan Elementary School in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Sheridan Elementary is located in a community plagued by low educational achievement, high poverty and drug problems. Carmen serves in the Student Support Room, where she works with the most disruptive students in the school. Her love of working with children, and the patient and caring way she interacts with the students is inspiring. She employs reading and math curriculum material to strengthen the students’ skills when they are away from their regular classroom. Carmen also talks with the students and helps to them to think about the situation that brought them to her class and how they best handle themselves when confronted with problems and conflict in the future.

Carmen’s consciousness about volunteering awoke when her parents immigrated to American knowing very little about American language and culture. Her mother volunteered at the local synagogue. Carmen was able to witness first hand that love and kindness of others can inspire through the service her mother provided as well as through the service of others toward her family. The impact of her mother’s volunteer sprit was not lost on Carmen’s family, this year Carmen’s son joined EducationWorks as an AmeriCorps member.

Carmen has an extensive history of volunteering. While living in New York she volunteered in her son’s school, the Veterans Administration Building and the Free Library in the Bronx section of New York City. She feels it is important for everyone to volunteer their talents and experiences in the service of helping others. The rewards Carmen has received from her volunteer experiences are priceless. Her eyes light up whenever she talks about seeing the children she works with understand a new concept, or how they used problem solving skills she taught them to avoid a confrontation. In Carmen’s view, volunteering makes you a better citizen, neighbor, but most importantly, a better American.


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