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Matt  Martinek
AmeriCorps*NCCC - Washington, DC

All That Matters

They say a picture is worth a thousand words. The picture on this page speaks for about ten months of my life.

It was taken just two days before graduation, during an all-campus workday sponsored by the non-profit organization KaBOOM! KaBOOM! builds playgrounds in low-income areas around the world. This particular "build" was taking place near Stoddert Terrace, a housing project in southwestern Washington, D.C.

It had been a long day, and we were just finishing the playground. One of the sponsors had bought ice cream and Popsicles for everyone who had helped. A little girl, who lived in the neighborhood, had been hanging out near the playground build all day. When I sat down, she came and sat down next to me. I tried to talk to her, but she seemed pretty shy. All she did was sit and lean up next to me. I really didn't think anything of it. We probably sat there for about ten minutes. She then got up, turned and smiled at me, and took off. And that was that.

Graduation came and went, and before I knew it I was back home getting ready to go back to college and finish up my undergraduate degree. About two weeks after I got home, I got a letter in the mail from one of the great friends I had made while in AmeriCorps*NCCC. The picture was in the envelope, with a letter that said, "I know you weren't looking when I took this, but I knew you would love it!" As I looked at the picture, every emotion that I felt during my entire year in AmeriCorps*NCCC hit me like a freight train.

I say that this picture sums up my experience for two reasons. The first would be the hard work and all that goes with it. You get dirty, physically and mentally tired, and sometimes you just can't understand why you are doing what you are doing. But then that little girl comes along and sits down next to you, right after you helped build her a playground to play on so she doesn't have to play in the street. She doesn’t say anything to you; she doesn't have to. You know that her sitting next to you to share a Popsicle says it all. You then realize that all those long, annoying van rides, team skirmishes, and never-ending days were all worth it, because she has a place to play now. When all is said and done, that is all that matters.


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