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Last Update: 03/25/02

Ag-Bag International, Ltd. - to develop, pioneer, and market new technology for improving product storage in agriculture, feed commodities, and other related industries.

AgBioForum - A magazine devoted to the economics and management of agro-biotechnology.

Ag Leader Technology - is the global leader in yield monitor systems and is committed to meeting the present and future needs of the precision agriculture industry by providing high quality products and first class support.

AGMACH$ - The annual cost of owning and operating farm machinery is a major part of the total crop production cost.  In fact, machinery costs often can account for as much 50 percent of the annual total cost of producing a crop if land costs are not considered.

Agriculture Online's LinkRanker - This service will allow you to view and rank a selection of World Wide Web sites from the categories below. The lists will be developed based on user input, so please feel free to nominate a site for listing.

AgriGator - Agricultural and Related Information - a collection of Internet sites and resources that provide agricultural and biological related information.

AgSource Cooperative Services - an organization with a rich tradition of providing quality services to agricultural producers. AgSource services include: software products, DHI services, electronic record access, milk analysis, and soil and forage testing.

Alfalfa Council - the Council has developed a wealth of alfalfa materials and programs, sponsored tours of both seed production and alfalfa forage production areas, hosted forums and symposiums of interest to farmers and scientists and carried on many other programs as the spokesman for certified, improved alfalfa throughout the United States.

Alternative Agriculture-Related Internet Sites and Documents - Sites and Documents Devoted Primarily to Alternative Agriculture.

American Corn Growers Association - The American Corn Growers Association is America's leading progressive commodity association. ACGA works tirelessly to protect farm income and rural communities. The ACGA  recognizes that farmers need to have the opportunity to be rewarded for their time, investment and risk.

American Farmland Trust - works to stop the loss of productive farmland and to promote farming practices that lead to a healthy environment.

Back to Basics (IMC Global) - is an extensive educational resource that provides growers with timely, regional soil fertility information to help them get "back to the basics" of a successful crop production program and move toward a profitable harvest.

Cedar Meadow Farm - Enhancing the Environment - Field days, bus tours, and visitors from over 15 countries have been hosted at Cedar Meadow Farm to observe the demonstration of new farming techniques.

Center for Agricultural and Rural Development - has conducted policy research using innovative analytical systems and provided graduate training and outreach activities since its founding in 1958 at Iowa State University.

Conservation Technology Support Program - annually awards grants of equipment plus software to tax-exempt conservation organizations to build their Geographic Information Systems (GIS) capacity.

Crop Protection Institute - Working together to advance sustainable agriculture in Canada by fostering the continued development of plant life science technologies.

DairyBiz - the Dairy Industry's Web Site

E-answers is a dynamic, online resource that brings university information and education into your home or office -- when and where you need it. The practical, current, and unbiased information in this site represents the work of Extension Service and Agricultural Experiment Station professionals at Land Grant universities throughout the United States.

eHarvest.com - An Agri Food Internet Directory of thousands of websites with categories and a search feature.

Environmental History Quiz - Millions of words have been written about the environment, and millions more will be written in the future. All will be wasted unless they are read, understood and lived for the good of the natural world and our humble place in it.

Erosion Control Magazine - Want information related to the erosion control and sedimentation industries? Look no further!

FarmShow - for everyone in agriculture interested in the latest products and new ideas.

FarmWorks - The object of Farm Works Software is to create a comprehensive farm management system while keeping it simple and fun.

Foundation EARTH'S Library - A major part of Foundation EARTH's mission is to provide farmers with credible information about farming practices and new production technologies that are environmentally sound.

Georgia's Coffee County Conservation Tillage Alliance, Inc. - for the purpose of entering a new era of agriculture, Conservation Tillage and Sustainable Agriculture. Its members are individuals who want to encourage and facilitate the adoption of sound agriculture practices, that are environmentally, economically and socially acceptable.

Global Network of Environment and Technology - a site made possible by a cooperative agreement from the Federal Energy Technology Center (FETC) and the Department of Energy Office of Science and Technology (OST).

Grand Valley State University Water Resources Institute - The Robert B. Annis Water Resources Institute (WRI) is a multidisciplinary research organization. The mission of the Institute is to preserve, protect, and improve our natural resources.

Home Composting, Organic Gardening, and Recycling links - What more needs to be said!

IPM Almanac - Your Definitive Resource for Integrated Pest Management.

Michigan Lake and Stream Associations, Inc., a non-profit corporation comprised of individuals and associations who desire to conserve and improve Michigan's lakes, rivers and streams, and their watersheds, and the Great Lakes, and to protect and promote the wise use of Michigan's Water resources.

Michigan Manure Resources Network - bringing together those having manure with those needing manure.

Michigan State University Manure Area of Expertise Team - providing education and research direction in manure management for citizens of Michigan.

National Agricultural Library (NAL), part of the Agricultural Research Service of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, is one of four National Libraries in the United States. NAL is a major international source for agriculture and related information. This Web site provides access to NAL's many resources and a gateway to its associated institutions.

National Conservation Buffer Council - learn more about how buffers can help you show your environmental stewardship and protect your productivity into the new century!

National Center for Food and Agricultural Policy (NCFAP) - its purpose is to provide objective research and educational information on policy issues relating to U.S. and global agricultural policy issues.

National Corn Growers Association (NCGA) - is the trade organization in the U.S. that represents U.S. corn growers. Since 1957, the NCGA has successfully represented American corn growers throughout the entire corn industry, the U.S. government, among the general public, and throughout the world.

No-Till Farmer Magazine presents the latest no-tilling information. The site includes a farmer-run message board, free classified service, tip of the week, shop talk, selected articles, links to other farm-related sites and customer service assistance.

Ontario Soil and Crop Improvement Association - a unique non-profit farm organization that promotes the communication and facilitation of responsible economic management of soil, water, crops and air.

Pesticide Decision Tool facilitates the use of environmental information in the selection and management of pesticides in arable crop production. Capable of illustrating four groundwater sensitivity categories, the tool is designed for use by farmers and their technical advisors, such as co-op and elevator agronomists, independent crop consultants, NRCS, soil and water conservation districts and university extension specialists.

RadioSource.NET - search for audio programming on a variety of topics from leading land-grant research universities.

Riparian Buffer Systems - fact sheets, slide presentations, manuals, reference resources and web resources.  Part of the University of Maryland's Cooperative Extension Service.

The US Composting Council - involved in research, public education, composting and compost standards, expansion of compost markets and the enlistment of public support.  We provide a unified voice for the growing composting industry.

USDA's Agricultural Biotechnology - The USDA is one of three Federal Agencies, along with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), primarily responsible for regulating biotechnology in the United States. Products are regulated according to their intended use, with some products being regulated under more than one agency.

U.S. House Committee on Agriculture - "This Committee will be an advocate for agriculture"

Web-Agri - The premier agriculture search engine!