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organic insect guide cover

Choosing and Integrating Organic Farm Enterprises
2 locations, 2 programs
January 22 or January 23
Click here to learn more.


yellowstone postcard

Follow a horticulture trip across the country with Cathy Neal, Extension Specialist, as she sends postcards documenting her experiences.


asian longhorned beetle

The Asian Longhorned Beetle has been found in MA. To learn more click here or go to the Problem Diagnosis and Testing Services page found in the left hand toobar.



Problem Diagnosis and Testing Services

  • Do you need a tick or an insect identified? You will find answers, a submital form, and directions here.
  • Would you like to have your soil analyzed for pH and nutrients? Our Soil Sampling service can help.

Agriculture in New Hampshire

sunflower used for biodiesel photoOver the past few decades, New Hampshire’s agriculture industry has evolved into a diverse, vibrant sector of the state’s economy. Agricultural firms produce a wide variety of crops, plants, livestock products and specialty foods for sale directly to consumers and through a variety of intermediate markets. Annual sales of agricultural products near $750 million, but that’s only part of the industry’s economic impact. The 3,100 individual firms manage over 150,000 acres of cropland with an additional 250,000 acres devoted to pasture, Christmas trees, maple syrup production and similar uses. This open space buffers residential and commercial development and provides the working landscape that makes New Hampshire attractive to visitors worldwide.

In order for the farming community to thrive, it must be continue to be economically and environmentally sustainable while meeting societal obligations. University of New Hampshire Cooperative Extension is uniquely positioned to provide educational and research-based programs to assist agricultural businesses and related natural resource firms meet these goals. UNH Extension professionals understand the challenges and opportunities faced by the state’s farms and have forged important partnerships within the state and region as well as nationally.

University of New Hampshire Cooperative Extension program goals related to agriculture can be found in current plan of work. In brief, program efforts focus on helping agricultural businesses:

  • Adopt research-based practices that enhance and maintain efficient production.
  • Develop and implement financial and business management plans that enhance profitability.
  • Assess business risk and adopt strategies to minimize those risks.
  • Develop and implement marketing plans to improve income.
  • Increase direct marketing sales and adopt innovative marketing techniques.
  • Increase their knowledge of food safety and implement food safety management plans.

In addition, University of New Hampshire Cooperative Extension is committed to helping make decision makers, youth and other members of the general public aware of the importance of New Hampshire ’s agricultural industry.



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