Current Projects



Ecology Division - Highlighted Project Experience

Blandford Power Plant Expansion - Effingham County, Georgia

Project Type: Comprehensive Permitting Package

ESI was contracted by Progress Energy to complete a preliminary wetland assessment to help determine the feasibility of a project site. Based upon our findings, the site was chosen for the project. ESI then completed a formal wetland delineation, and submitted a Jurisdictional Determination Request which was verified through the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.

With a Jurisdictional Determination and a site plan in hand, ESI was ready to begin a Section 404 Individual Permit application for authorization for Jurisdictional wetland impacts. At the request of the regulatory agencies responsible for reviewing and ultimately issuing or denying the permit, ESI completed a Threatened and Endangered Species Habitat Evaluation and a Phase I Archaeological Survey with a report of our findings. Upon satisfying the regulatory agencies, the Section 404 permit was issued. Due to the need for additional plant expansion, three modifications of the Section 404 permit were requested and granted.

ESI also conducted National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) monitoring and reporting throughout the construction process. ESI is now continuing NPDES monitoring and reporting and overseeing the construction process to ensure permit compliance.



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