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For more information on nutrient reduction regulations, please contact John Kennedy.

Virginia's Nutrient Reduction Regulations

New regulations passed by the State Water Control Board in 2005 set standards that define the water conditions of a clean Chesapeake Bay and its tidal rivers, and give DEQ the authority to issue permits that set nutrient discharge limits for wastewater treatment plants. DEQ also developed a regulation for a watershed permit and nutrient credit exchange program.

The regulations affect the watersheds of the Potomac/Shenandoah River, the Rappahannock River, the Eastern Shore, the James River, and the York River. These areas comprise the Chesapeake Bay watershed.

Discharge Regulation

This regulation provides for the control of discharges of nutrients from point sources affecting state waters that are designated "nutrient enriched waters" or are located within the Chesapeake Bay watershed.

Waste Load Allocations

The provisions of the discharge regulation and the Water Quality Management Planning Regulation (9 VAC 25-720) constitute the nutrient reduction requirements for point source discharges in the Chesapeake Bay watershed to protect the Bay and its tidal rivers.

The Water Quality Management Planning Regulation sets total nitrogen and total phosphorus annual waste load allocations for the significant point source dischargers in Virginia’s portion of the Chesapeake Bay Watershed. For waste load allocations by watershed, please see the following links:

Water Quality Standards

The Virginia Water Quality Standards (PDF) include nutrient reduction amendments effective August 10, 2005. The document also includes an updated list of "nutrient enriched waters," which are covered by the nutrient reduction regulations.

Chlorophyll and Dissolved Oxygen Amendments

New standards (PDF) have been introduced for chlorophyll concentrations in the James River and dissolved oxygen levels in the Pamunkey and Mattaponi Rivers.

Proposed Nutrient Trading Regulations

These regulations (PDF) describe a nutrient trading system for facilities in the Chesapeake Bay watershed that operate under a watershed general permit. The regulations define the trading system and general permit that places caps on the amount of nitrogen and phosphorus that can be discharged into the watershed. More information is availalbe on the DEQ website.

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