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Program Spotlight


Vermont's VCSP AmeriCorps

Overview: AmeriCorps members serving with the Vermont Community Stewardship Program have to make a choice. Do they want to focus on housing issues, providing services to homeless people and helping low-income families become homeowners? Or would they rather spend their term of service involved in activities such as developing and maintaining trails or teaching schoolchildren about Vermont’s natural wonders? With VCSP, which is sponsored by the Vermont Housing and Conservation Board, they can do either. The board has been addressing these two areas for nearly 20 years, with participation by AmeriCorps members for the last seven. The original intent of the board’s founders was to create more affordable housing opportunities while preserving the state’s rural character. Members serve with groups such as the Vermont Center for Independent Living. On the housing front, they help make homes more accessible for people with disabilities.  In the environmental area, they make trails and walkways easier for people with disabilities to enjoy.
The Results: Since the program was established, AmeriCorps members have racked up impressive statistics. They have provided services to thousands of homeless people, including developing Vermont’s first homeless mentoring program. AmeriCorps members also have helped homeownership become a reality for thousands more Vermont residents, serving at Home Ownership Centers across the state from the time the centers opened their doors to provide assistance to would-be homeowners. And, they have helped maintain and protect thousands of acres of land from habitat destruction.  Numerous members continue in their fields of service after completing AmeriCorps, including one former member who started his own nonprofit, linking students at Dartmouth University with children from disadvantaged families for mentoring, tutoring, and recreational activities.
Why It Works: The VCSP addresses crucial needs in the Green Mountain State. The state’s housing stock is older and more fragile than in most other states, and the vacancy rate is extremely low. The AmeriCorps program builds partnerships with organizations across the state that otherwise would not be able to meet the needs of their clients.  In addition, the program builds on the culture of community and appreciation for the land that is prevalent in Vermont.
Lessons: Although housing and conservation issues may not seem to be an obvious fit, addressing them together is working well in Vermont.
Contact: For more information, contact Joan Wells, AmeriCorps Director, (802) 828-3249 or email

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