Degrees and Majors


The College of Agriculture, Biotechnology, and Natural Resources (CABNR) offers programs for bachelor, master and doctoral degrees. The college also awards graduate certificates signifying advanced study and expertise in specific areas. In short, CABNR offers a variety of solutions for your educational needs.


On the undergraduate level, whether a student enters with a major firmly in mind or is still exploring his or her academic options, the CABNR offers the intellectual challenge and the support necessary to help students accomplish their goals, including gaining entrance into some of the nation's finest post-graduate programs or launching a chosen career.


Bachelor Degrees



The minor program is designed for students who are interested in supplementing their major field
with a background in:

  • Agribusiness
  • Animal Science
  • Applied Statistics
  • Biochemistry
  • Ecohydrology
  • Environmental Science
  • Forest and Rangeland Management
  • Natrual Resources and Environmental Economics
  • Nutrition
  • Wildlife Ecology and Conservation


On the graduate level, the CABNR excels at providing unique educational opportunities. From a doctorate in Ecology, Evolution and Conservation Biology to Biotechnology, the college affirms its role as part of a progressive, statewide institution.


Master of Science Programs


Doctor of Philosophy Programs



Last updated: 12/10/2008