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DC Citizen Corps to Provide Emergency Preparedness Training to Amtrak Employees


(Washington, DC) -- In recognition of September as National Preparedness Month, the District of Columbia's Citizen Corps program and Amtrak joined forces to provide Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) awareness training to Amtrak employees throughout the National Capitol Region at Union Station. This is the first in a series of CERT training courses being planned for Amtrak employees at stations and facilities across the country.

The CERT program educates people about disaster preparedness and trains them in basic disaster response skills such as fire safety, light search and rescue, and disaster medical operations. Amtrak employees will learn to identify and reduce potential fire hazards and how to work as a team to apply basic fire suppression strategies and safety measures. In addition, participants will learn guidelines for setting up a triage area and applying basic treatment for wounds. Training also covers techniques for opening airways, controlling bleeding and treating shock.

 The CERT program is designed to train citizens in skills that may help save or sustain lives until emergency responders arrive on the scene. In 95 percent of all emergencies, the victim or bystander provides the first, immediate assistance at the scene. "It is not unusual for a person to think that when an emergency first occurs responders immediately report to the scene," explains Amtrak Emergency Preparedness Senior Director Larry Beard. "However, this is not always the case, particularly during a major disaster." According to Beard, damage caused by natural disasters such as earthquakes, hurricanes, or flooding; or manmade disasters, like terrorism, can severely restrict responders' access to the scene, leaving many individuals and neighborhoods cut off from outside support.

"Being trained in CERT gives individuals the preparedness planning, skills and confidence they need to help prepare themselves, their families, and their neighborhoods in an emergency," says Citizen Corps Manager Pamela Taylor.

Amtrak employees will be trained Thursday, August 25, 2005 from 9 am to 3 pm at the Amtrak facility in Union Station.

For more about DC Citizen Corps and CERT training visit Serve DC ( and select Citizen Corps.

About Serve DC

Serve DC formerly known as The DC Commission on National and Community Service was established in 2000 by an Executive Order from Mayor Anthony A. Williams. Its mission is to strengthen and promote the District of Columbia's spirit of service through partnerships, national service, and volunteerism.

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