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Waste Management Board Overview

The following information gives an overview of the Waste Management Board's responsibilities, member qualifications and compensation, and board meetings.


The Waste Management Board is responsible for carrying out the purposes and provisions of the Virginia Waste Management Act and compatible federal provisions. The board has general supervision and control over waste management activities in the Commonwealth of Virginia and primarily considers the adoption, amendment or repeal of regulations at board meetings. The Department of Environmental Quality administers day-to-day activities of the waste programs and has permitting authority.

Activities of the board may include:

  • Developing and updating state waste management plans and providing waste management technical assistance
  • Promoting the recycling and reuse of waste material
  • Adopting regulations specifying requirements for local and regional solid waste management plans
  • Developing and implementing a plan for the testing of recycle residues and for the management and transportation of all waste tires in Virginia

The board upholds regulations related to:

  • Virginia Waste Management Act and applicable federal acts
  • Abandonment of solid waste disposal, transfer and treatment facilities
  • Implementing and managing the Reduction of Heavy Metals in Packaging Act
  • Commercial transport, loading and off-loading of non-hazardous solid waste, municipal and industrial sludge, and regulated medical waste by ship, barge or other vessel
  • Manner and method by which hazardous materials are handled and transported
  • Requirements of financial responsibility from owners of abandoned hazardous waste sites
  • Hazardous waste site proposals

The board is also responsible for hazardous waste activities, including:

  • Possibly requiring facilities that generate, transport, store or dispose of hazardous waste to maintain a manifest and reporting system, and classify hazardous wastes in accordance with federal law
  • Entering into agreements with the federal government, other states or interstate agencies relating to the control of radioactive waste and instituting programs to train personnel for this purpose
  • Regulating the management of mixed, low-level radioactive waste
  • Issuing emergency regulations and administrative orders in the event, or imminent threat, of the release of waste
  • Reducing hazards and nuisances dangerous to public health, safety and environment created by improper management of substances within board jurisdiction

Member qualifications

The governor appoints seven Virginia citizens to serve as board members. The selection is based on merit without regard to political affiliation.


The board meets about three times per year. The average length of the meetings is approximately three to four hours. The meetings usually take place in Richmond. Board members also are asked to attend a joint meeting with the air and water boards. DEQ provides members with agenda materials to help them prepare for the meetings.


Board members receive 50 dollars per day for attending meetings, plus reasonable and necessary travel expenses as determined by state regulations.October 11, 2006 Information on the Virginia Waste Management Act (Code of Virginia, Title 10.1, Chapter 14) and the Reduction of Heavy Metals in Packaging Act (Code of Virginia, Title 10.1, Chapters 1425.20-1425.25) is available through the Code of Virginia database.

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