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Iowa State University Extension


Extension Information

Iowa Grain Quality Initiative
Ag Decision Maker


Crop Advantage Workshops for 2009

Crops Highlights

The Integrated Crop Management Newsletter is now delivered on the Web. It offers current, non-biased, reasearch-based crop production information.

Iowa State University and Iowa Farmer Today offer the CropWatch Blog. The Website features agronomy specialists from Iowa State and industry partners of ISU’s Corn and Soybean Initiative. They report on crop conditions, weed problems and disease and pest threats as they arise in fields across Iowa.

Check out these links for information on some ISU Extension initatives: crop management resources, Iowa Learning Farm, Pesticide Management and the Enviironment,  Value-Added Agriculture and  water quality

View the latest Corn and Soybean Initiative newsletter and other newsletters from ISU Extension.

Some of the most popular publications sold by ISU Extension are crop publications. They include:
Soybean Growth and Development (PM 1945)
How A Corn Plant Develops (PM 1282)
Pasture Management Guide for Livestock Producers (PM 1713)

The Iowa Crop Improvement Association performs crop performance tests for alfalfa and forage cropscorn, soybean, winter wheat, and oats and barley.

There are hundreds of additional crop publications available from the ISU Extension Online Store.

This new Corn Nitrogen Calculator helps calculate economic return to N application.

The Seed Science Center offers testing services.

The Soil and Plant Analysis Laboratory offers soil chemical analysis.

Crops News

3/4/2009 - On First Day of Spring Celebrate Agriculture’s Economic Benefit to Community
Iowa agriculture production is making significant contributions to the economy of the state and nation. Take time to honor that during National Ag Week March 16-22.
3/4/2009 - Aronia - A New Crop for Iowa
The U.S. aronia berry industry is in the early stages of development. Production is centered on Harrison County in western Iowa. Currently, demand exceeds production. Most growers are planning to at least double their acres in 2009.
3/2/2009 - Anhydrous Ammonia Applicators Have New Safety Issue
Producers and anhydrous ammonia applicators should heed safety precautions when using modified anhydrous ammonia applicator equipment.
2/24/2009 - Humboldt Workshop to Discuss Farm Tiling Issues
March 20 workshop will cover basics of building new systems or retrofitting current systems that reduce the negative environmental effects of tiling.
2/20/2009 - ISU Extension Offers RUSLE2 and P Index Workshops for Manure and Nutrient Plan Writers
Livestock producers and service providers wanting practice and guidance using RUSLE2 computer software should register to attend the April 1 workshop at the Polk County Extension office.
2/11/2009 - Iowa Learning Farm Offers Planter Clinic
The Iowa Learning Farm is hosting a planter clinic at Iowa Lakes Community College, Emmetsburg, on March 4, from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. to demonstrate how to convert a traditional planter to a no-till planter.
2/10/2009 - Fruit and Vegetable Working Group Seeks Proposals for 2009
Iowa-based individuals or groups that are interested in conducting a fruit or vegetable industry research or development project during 2009 are invited to submit a 2-3 page proposal to the Iowa Fruit and Vegetable Working Group by March 9.
2/9/2009 - Marlin Rice Resigns as Extension Entomologist
Marlin Rice, extension and research entomologist, recently resigned his position with Iowa State University to take a position with Pioneer Hi-Bred.
2/6/2009 - Crop Insurance Has Some Changes for 2009
An extension agricultural economist provides information that crop producers need to carefully calculate their insurance coverage needs before meeting with their crop insurance agent.