Forest Series with Earth & Sky

. . . climate change . . . over development
. . . habitat loss. . . forest sustainability

What we do today will impact our world tomorrow.

Tune in to Earth & Sky radio network and website to learn how forest landowners manage their land for us today and the next generation tomorrow.

Starting September 15th hear Sally Collins, Associate Chief of the U.S. Forest Service, talk about the threat to U.S. forests from development through the following Earth & Sky radio shows and podcasts.

Starting October 13th hear from our nationally recognized private forest landowner, Jo Pierce of Maine, talk about the challenges facing landowners to keep their family forests as forests through the following Earth & Sky radio shows and podcasts.

Starting November 10th, hear from Robert Bonnie, of Environmental Defense, talk about conservation of forests and wildlife habitat by family forest owners through the following Earth & Sky radio shows and podcasts:

Starting this week, hear from Neil Sampson, of The Sampson Group, talk about the impact of climate change on forests through the following Earth & Sky radio shows and podcasts:

The American Forests Foundation proudly continues our partnership with Earth & Sky through the production of the “2008 Forests Series” radio shows and podcasts.

Tune in every month from October through December to hear more about climate change, habitat loss, clean water, and forest sustainability.

Next month, hear about the impact of climate change on forests.

The shows will air on over 1,800 radio stations in the U.S. You can find a radio station broadcasting Earth & Sky Radio Shows in your area at You can also listen online at and through iTunes.

Earth & Sky is a successful short format science radio program heard by millions of listeners throughout the U.S. and abroad that highlights the wonders of science and nature through daily radio shows.

Radio Show Correlations to Project Learning Tree Activities
Earth & Sky radio shows have been correlated to PLT activities and provide educators with access to accurate, reliable, and understandable scientific research and data. Teachers can “virtually” bring a guest scientist into their classroom by using Earth & Sky radio shows in conjunction with PLT activities. Visit the Earth & Sky Teacher’s Section to view the radio show and podcast correlations to Project Learning Tree activities. Learn more about PLT’s partnership with Earth & Sky.

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