Entry bubble Trouble Sleeping?

By: Colleen | February 27, 2008 | Category: Health

I haven't been sleeping well lately. My self-diagnosis of the problem is:

a) The upcoming Project Runway finale. Will Rami continue to drape everything?! Can Christian hit new heights of fierce? And would Jillian be kind enough to design a coat for me, please?

b) That über catchy and infectious Miley Cyrus song that's in heavy rotation on top-40 radio. Hear the chorus once and it's like permanent super glue to the brain.

Hopefully, my issues will be resolved after Wednesday night's final episode, aided by my vow to listen only to CDs until the Miley phenomenon passes over.

Sadly, over 40 million Americans suffer from non-Miley or reality tv sleep disorders. Not only is this irritating, but it can cause serious health problems like making diabetes and high blood-pressure worse. The average adult needs about 7-8 hours of sleep per night.

Try making it easier to get to dreamland by:

  • Avoid caffeine, nicotine, beer, wine, and liquor four to six hours before bedtime
  • Don't nap later than 3 p.m.
  • Wind down in the 30 minutes before bedtime by doing something relaxing (read, listen to music, etc.)

If you have trouble falling asleep most nights for a few weeks or more, you should see a doctor. After evaluation, they can determine if you may need prescription drugs.

I suggest making your life a Project Runway / Miley-free zone.

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