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Links to EPA Futures Projects

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Office of Research and Development

Science Advisory Board
Beyond the Horizon: Using Foresight to Protect the Environmental Future http://www.epa.gov/OSP/futures/horizon.pdf PDF icon

Links to Futures Projects Outside of EPA

Foresight Institute (Advancements in Nanotechnology)
http://www.foresight.org/Exit Disclaimer

Global Business Network
http://www.gbn.com/Exit Disclaimer

Global Scenario Group
http://www.gsg.org/Exit Disclaimer

Hawaii Research Center for Futures Studies
http://www.futures.hawaii.edu/Exit Disclaimer

Institute for Alternative Futures
http://www.altfutures.com/Exit Disclaimer

Millennium Project
http://www.millennium-project.org/Exit Disclaimer

North American Commission for Environmental Cooperation: Emerging Environmental Trends
in North America
http://www.cec.org/programs_projects/trade_environ_econ/emerging_trends/index.cfm?varlan=englishExit Disclaimer

Organisation for Economic Coöperation and Development-International Futures Programme
http://www.oecd.org/ff/?404;http://www.oecd.org/sge/au/Exit Disclaimer

Woodrow Wilson Center for Scholars
http://wwics.si.edu/foresight/index.htmExit Disclaimer

World Future Society
http://www.wfs.orgExit Disclaimer


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