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Contacts, Comments, and Links


The best source for information about the Virginia Water Protection Permit process, or specific project questions, is one of DEQ's Regional Offices (VWP Permit Program staff) in the geographic area of your interest or project.  See also the VWP Permit Program Staff List.

You may also contact Dave Davis, Director of the Office of Wetlands and Water Protection, for general questions regarding the administration and management of the Virginia Water Protection Permit Program (804-698-4105).

Michelle Henicheck may also be reached for questions on wetland/stream mitigation and mitigation banking (804-698-4007).

Bettina Rayfield (804-698-4204) may be reached for information on stream restoration and assessments.

Scott Kudlas with DEQ's Office of Surface and Ground Water Supply Planning may be reached for questions on the technical aspects and permitting requirements of surface water withdrawal projects, such as instream flow, reservoirs, and water supply planning requirements (804-698-4456).

Questions may also be submitted using the "Wetlands_Info" email link at the top of this page. Please be sure to include a topic in the subject line. For example, if you are inquiring about permit applicaiton fees, try using Fees in the subject line of your email. Your email will be routed to the most appropriate staff member at either the DEQ Central Office or one of the DEQ Regional Offices.  Please be aware that information requests may be subject to Freedom of Information Act policies.


The Virginia Water Protection Permit Program is interested in your experience in accessing information from our wetlands web pages and the customer service that you received from our staff.  Please take a moment to complete the customer service survey by clicking the link below.  Taking this survey is completely optional.

VWP Permit Program Survey

IMPORTANT: If you want a printout of this survey, please print the survey page BEFORE you select the submit button.  Printouts will only display the first 4 lines of multilined text fields.

How This Information Will Be Used: Any information you provide will be used solely by the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality to respond to your inquiry and to assist us in providing better information.  We do not sell personal information to the public; however, your information may be obtained by the public, where allowable by law, through the Freedom of Information Act.  Please see more on DEQ's web policy at:

Links & Information

The following links are provided as a courtesy to the public. With the exception of official DEQ guidance documents and State regulations, the Department of Environmental Quality and the Virginia Water Protection Permit Program do not endorse any particular organization, methodology, or products that you may find at these sources.

Water Guidance & Policy

Wetlands & Permit Data

Wetland & Stream Restoration


  • USDA's Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) Web Soil Survey application

Threatened and Endangered Species & Other Rare Resources



Professional Organizations & Citizen Groups


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