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For information on reporting a pollution incident, please see the Pollution Complaints page. For information on DEQ enforcement offices, please click on our Enforcement Offices page. Listed below are other links which may be of interest:

Virginia Department of Health - This agency has responsibility for oversight and design of small flow and on-site sewage treatment plants and biosolids land application, as well as for protecting the quality of the Commonwealth's drinking water.

Virginia Department of Labor and Industry - This agency has responsibility for protecting worker safety, to include air quality in the workplace, and providing directions for the safe handling of hazardous materials.

Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR) - This agency has responsibility for promoting soil and water conservation and for controlling non-point source pollution and stormwater runoff. In addition, DCR oversees programs addressing shoreline erosion and public beach protection, as well as a program devoted to locating and protecting rare, endangered, or otherwise valuable plants, animal and natural habitats located within the Commonwealth.

Virginia Marine Resources Commission - This agency has primary responsibility for protecting the Commonwealth's marine resources, as well as for protecting tidal wetlands located within the Commonwealth.

Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries - This agency has responsibility for protecting and regulating the taking of certain game (fish and wildlife) species.

Virginia Department of Mines, Minerals and Energy - This agency regulates mining activities, including discharges of wastewater from coal washing operations and mine restoration/reclamation activities.

Chesapeake Bay Local Assistance - DCR's Chesapeake Bay Local Assistance staff address the impact of land use on waters that feed the Chesapeake Bay.

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency - EPA has many regulatory programs addressing environmental and natural resources issues. Virginia is located within EPA Region III.

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