Verisign Secured

President's Council

Brother Wolf
© Jim Brandenburg

Our defense of wildlife and critical habitats would be impossible without the unwavering support of our President’s Council members. By donating an annual, tax-deductible gift of $1,000 or more, members of the President’s Council show their commitment to protecting rare animals and plants, conserving habitat, and building a broad constituency for the benefit of wildlife and wild places.

As a member of the President’s Council, you provide important leadership and an investment that enables Defenders to meet the unprecedented challenges our wildlife and wild places face today.

President’s Council program benefits include:

  • Telephone conference call briefings on important issues with Defenders’ president Rodger Schlickeisen.
  • Invitations to Defenders’ annual Yellowstone Wildlife Conservation workshop and other special events.
  • Reports and monthly e-mail updates detailing program challenges and successes.
  • Recognition in Defenders of Wildlife’s Annual Report.