American Forest Foundation
AFF’s New Structure
AFF will implement programs and initiatives through three Centers… each charged with a different primary function, and all supported by an invigorated mission and program support staff.

  • The Center for Conservation Solutions will cultivate conservation initiatives to support a network of family forest landowners, resource agencies, nonprofit organizations, and research partners to conserve and create critical habitat for wildlife species. Our approach to forest conservation challenges is to provide forest landowners with the necessary tools to manage their lands for both ecological and economic gains which are essential to environmental benefits.
  • The Center for Environmental Learning will utilize and develop programs to increase our awareness and understanding of the role forests and the environment play in our lives, while building the skills and commitment needed to conserve and sustain them. CEL will undertake both formal and non-formal education programs for youth and families, as well as information and outreach activities aimed at other targeted audiences that can influence the climate for sustaining forests.
  • The Center for Family Forests will maintain, support, and mobilize a robust community of forest owners – along with a diverse, nationwide network of organizational partners – all committed and able to help sustain multi-generational stewardship.
Existing programs will continue to operate under the aegis of specific Centers. By sustaining the unique identity of each program, long-standing stakeholder connections to and passion for our traditional work will remain intact. 

  • Project Learning Tree® via AFF’s Center for Environmental Learning;
  • American Tree Farm System® via Center for Family Forests;
  • Forests for Watersheds & Wildlife™ through the Center for Conservation Solutions.
At the same time, each Center will develop and implement a suite of ongoing activities and special initiatives which complement or operate alongside our traditional programs. Center “boundaries” are permeable; we don’t intend to limit flexibility and innovation by imposing artificial lists of which functions a given Center might perform.

1111 Nineteenth Street, NW, Suite 780 | Washington, D.C. 20036
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