American Forest Foundation

The American Tree Farm System® (ATFS), a program of the American Forest Foundation’s Center for Family Forests, is committed to sustaining forests, watershed and healthy habitats through the power of private stewardship.

Since 1941, ATFS has educated and recognized the commitment of private forest owners in the United States. Currently, ATFS has 27.5 million acres of privately owned forestland and 87,000 family forest owners who are committed to excellence in forest stewardship, in 46 states. Family forest landowners share a unique commitment to protect wildlife habitat and watersheds, to conserve soil and to provide recreation for their communities while producing wood for America. These individuals hold the key to the kinds of forests, forest activities, and forest resources future generations of Americans will enjoy.

ATFS is administered through a network of forest landowners, volunteer members of state and local committees and associations, national and state government agencies, inspecting foresters, forestry consultants, natural resource professionals and private industry.

Our landowners come from various backgrounds but they all share the commitment to improve their forestland through responsible forest management and conservation techniques. They are lawyers, doctors, entertainers and U.S. Cabinet members, as well as agricultural farmers, carpenters, and retirees. They manage their properties to develop multiple forest benefits including wood, water, wildlife, and recreational opportunities.

ATFS landowners must own at least 10 acres of forestland, implement a written forest management plan, and follow the American Forest Foundation’s Standards of Sustainability for Forest Certification to become and remain a certified Tree Farm. Tree Farms are inspected and certified to assure proper forest management that includes the conservation of soil, water, and wildlife.

Water. Wildlife. Recreation. Wood. The four sides of the Tree Farm sign tell the story of sustainable forestry... a thriving forestland that has clean water, a healthy wildlife habitat and recreational opportunities. Our green and white diamond shaped Tree Farm signs are widely recognized across the country.

ATFS, dedicated to putting more good forestry on more acres.

1111 Nineteenth Street, NW, Suite 780 | Washington, D.C. 20036
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