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Site Assessment and Remediation Projects

Middleburg Cattle Dipping Vat Remediation - Clay County, FL

Project Type: Phase II ESA, Contamination Assessment Plan, Remediation

Over 3,800 tons of soil and 9.6 M gallons of impacted groundwater were remediated for this project. The Middleburg Cattle Dipping Vat site is located in northern Clay County, Florida in a rural area beginning to undergo development as a planned mixed use community.  The site is located on a former cattle ranch that operated in the 1950s to 1970s.  The cattle dipping vat was used in conjunction with the ranch operation.  The periodic dipping of cattle and other livestock was required by the Federal government as part of the cattle tick eradication program from 1906 to late 1961.  Arsenic was originally used as the eradicate, and later in the 1940s and 1950s, the use of chlorinated pesticides occurred.  An initial Phase II Environmental Site Assessment was conducted in July 2002 to identify the presence or absence fully removed.  A total of 463.39 tons of impacted soils were removed for off-site disposal from the excavation pit and a total of 11,100 gallons of impacted water was removed by vacuum tanker truck for off-site disposal.  

Based on remaining concentrations of chlorinated solvents present in the groundwater, along with regional and site-specific geochemical groundwater characteristics, a localized area and barrier treatment approach was implemented at the site a Remedial Action Plan (RAP) was designed for bioremediation of the on-site groundwater using the injection of Hydrogen Release Compound (HRC).  A total of 1,040 pounds of HRC material was injected into 25 injection points to enhance in-situ biodegradation of the noted contaminants via lactate release, hydrogen production, and subsequent, accelerated reductive dechlorination.

The site is currently under Monitoring for Natural Attenuation and upon completion of two (2) consecutive quarters of monitoring during which all collected groundwater samples exhibit chlorinated solvent levels below their applicable State of Florida cleanup target levels, a Site Rehabilitation Completion will be requested with No Further Action Status.  ESI anticipates the Site Rehabilitation Completion request will be submitted within one year.



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