American Forest Foundation
Forest-Climate Working Group

The Forest-Climate Working Group (FCWG) was started in December 2007 to build consensus on how forests can play a meaningful role in addressing climate change. The FCWG is led by co-chairs Drue DeBerry (American Forest Foundation) and Jad Daley (the Trust for Public Land) and has broad representation from virtually all sectors of the forest community—the forest products industry, conservation and wildlife groups, foresters, private forest owners, academics, and carbon finance groups. In order to build and achieve consensus, the organizations engaged in a series of Dialogues on forest-climate issues in 2008.

Presentations from April 3 & 4, 2008 Dialogue held in Washington, D.C.

The Case for Forests in Climate Policy — Eric Huxthausen, The Nature Conservancy

Carbon Offsets: Current Proposals and Likely Issues — Christopher Galik, Nicholas Institute at Duke University
Carbon Offsets: Current Proposals and Likely Issues — Neil Sampson, The Sampson Group

Allowance Awards: Current Proposals and Likely Major Issues — Dan Lashof, Natural Resources Defense Council

Adaptation Funding: Current Proposals and Likely Major Issues — John Kostyack, National Wildlife Federation

Presentations from September 15 & 16, 2008 Dialogue held in Washington, D.C.

Offsets Introduction — Neil Sampson, The Sampson Group

Offsets Introduction — Chandler Van Voorhis, C2I, LLC

Forest Research and Technology — Greg Reams and Linda Heath, US Forest Service (17MB)

Presentations from October 10, 2008 Adaptation Dialogue held in Washington, D.C.
Adapting to Climate Change — Dr. Alan Lucier, NCASI

Massachusetts Dept. of Fish and Wildlife Adaptation Project — Dr. Hector Galbraith, Manomet Center for Conservation Sciences

Federal Climate Change Legislation: Protecting Natural Resources for Wildlife and People — John Kostyack, National Wildlife Federation

Note - some of the presentations are quite large and may take time to download.

Related Material

Forests and climate change: A convenient truth? (Edinburgh: Forestry Commission Communications Branch, 2007) DVD. Produced by the United Kingdom Forestry Commission.

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