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Citizen Corps Councils

Council Profiles and Resources

The Role of the Citizen Corps Council

Citizen Corps taps the energy of our citizens and embraces the wealth of experience, resources, and expertise already within the community to have everyone in America take an active part in making our neighborhoods, our communities, and our nation safer.

Citizen Corps Councils tailor activities to the community and build on community strengths to develop and implement a local strategy to promote participation in three principle ways:

  • Personal responsibility : Citizen Corps Councils conduct public education and outreach efforts to inform the public about important steps we all have a responsibility to take right now, such as: developing a household disaster plan and disaster supplies kits for home, work, and car; observing home health and safety practices; implementing property damage prevention measures; and participating in crime prevention and reporting. Citizen Corps Councils tailor the materials and the message to match the threats, the needs, and the population of the community.
  • Training : Classes to improve individual emergency prevention, preparedness, and response capabilities are essential to develop the skills needed to be able to handle an emergency situation. Citizen Corps Councils work to provide a range of training opportunities and to make them easily accessible to all members of the community. This critical training includes first aid, cardio-pulmonary resuscitation (CPR), fire safety, search and rescue procedures, and Community Emergency Response Teams (CERT) training.
  • Volunteer service : Volunteer activities that support public education on preparedness and prevention, emergency responders, and disaster relief groups are essential to improving community safety. Everyone can do something to support local law enforcement, fire, emergency medical services, community public health efforts, and to lend a hand in times of crisis. These services need the support of everyone in the community throughout the year. With the added support of citizens, emergency service providers have more time to fulfill their highly skilled responsibilities.

Through the support of the Citizen Corps Council, citizens from all walks of life will have the information and training they need to be safer and the opportunities to help their communities do the same.