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Strategic Initiative: Engaging Students in Communities


More students volunteer through institutions of higher education today than ever before, spurred by the growth of service-learning on college campuses, greater numbers of campus volunteer offices, the response to national disasters such as the tragedy of 9/11 and the devastation caused by Hurricane Katrina, and several other factors.

To take advantage of this momentum toward service, the Corporation has made Engaging Students in Communities one of four strategic focus areas of its Strategic Plan, which will set the direction for the agency through 2010.  As part of this initiative, the Corporation has set a national goal of 5 million college students engaged in service by 2010, up from 3.27 million in 2005, and is committed to using its resources to help higher education institutions increase volunteer and service-learning opportunities for young Americans. Key strategies include:

  • Strengthening and expanding our network of intermediary organizations and institutions (Campus Compacts, higher education and student associations, Volunteer Centers, State Service Commissions, faith-based and other community-based organizations) that provide key support for service and service-learning.
  • Ensuring that more college students have opportunities to serve as part of their academic studies through high-quality service-learning, and building the pipeline for future college student volunteers by expanding service-learning in K-12 schools.
  • Encouraging campuses to develop more community service offices, offer more courses and degrees in nonprofit management, and take other steps to build connections with community organizations.
  • Increasing the number of college students serving as tutors and mentors to youth from disadvantaged circumstances, particularly to prepare them for high school completion and college attendance.
  • Supporting efforts to expand service opportunities through the Federal Work-Study program.
  • Promoting the value and importance of service on campus and reducing barriers that inhibit students from engaging in service.

Click here to find out additional information or to download the full Strategic Plan.

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