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Dimensions 2008: A Report to Stakeholders on Values, Goals & Performance

Dimensions 2008 provides an overview of the multifaceted network of values, actions and interactions that shape the Dominion enterprise.

As you read this report, a minimum expectation is transparency, candor and openness, not only in how we communicate our strengths, but also our shortcomings. Anything less risks damaging our credibility with you.

Our long-term success as a business enterprise rests, as it always has, on public trust. Dominion employees are the heart and soul of our business.

Their hard work and high standards allow us to set challenging targets for achieving sustainable economic growth, social progress and environmental quality — and be confident we can meet them.

Employees define the company by living our core values: safety, ethics, excellence and One Dominion, the term we use internally for teamwork.

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