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Site Assessment and Remediation Projects

Palm Beach County Residential Redevelopment Site - Palm Beach County, Florida

Project Type: Phase I Environmental Site Assessment, Tank Closure and Assessment, and Remediation

A private residence in Palm Beach County, Florida located approximated 100 yards from the Atlantic Ocean was for sale and presented an opportunity for redevelopment to higher density, luxury, multifamily townhomes.  

ESI conducted an All Appropriate Inquiries (AAI) Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) in late 2006 that identified an approximate 300-gallon unregistered underground storage tank (UST) on the property. 

At the client’s request, the UST was removed and a Tank Closure Assessment was performed.  The assessment identified petroleum impacted soils that required an Interim Source Removal (ISR).  Soil excavation resulted in removal of 59.81 tons of impacted soils in an area approximately 25 feet long by 12 feet wide.  While the excavation pit was open, water table control and impacted groundwater source removal was conducted via vacuum extraction of 2,503 gallons of ambient groundwater. 

Soil and groundwater confirmation samples collected from the sides of the excavation pit and from newly installed permanent groundwater monitoring wells yielded results below cleanup target levels for all analyzed parameters. Clean and compacted fill was used to replace soils to grade.

A Discharge Report Form, Storage Tank Facility Registration Form, and Interim Source Removal Report were submitted to the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) along with the Tank Closure Assessment. 

Removal of the source UST and removal of impacted soils surrounding the former tank resolved the recognized environmental condition (REC) and contamination concerns at the property.  It was documented that free product, contaminated soils, and contaminated groundwater associated with the tank were no longer present at the property.  Accordingly, per Chapter 62-777, F.A.C, it was requested that the FDEP grant a No Further Action (NFA) status.  A Site Rehabilitation Completion Order (SRCO) and NFA status was granted in early 2007.



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