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Air Compliance

The Air Compliance Program’s main objective is to ensure that Virginia’s regulated facilities are complying with applicable regulatory requirements in order to accomplish the Agency’s mission. Compliance activities are performed in six regional offices by Air Inspectors who conduct site evaluations, observe source emissions testing, and review a variety of federally and internally-required facility reports to determine the overall compliance status of more than 5,000 facilities.

The Office of Air Compliance Coordination (OACC) is responsible for assisting regional staff in their work, as well as managing federal fiscal commitments, providing training opportunities, participating in policy development, and assessing program effectiveness.


(Area Source: small sources emitting less than 10 tpy of a single hazardous air pollutant or less than 25 tpy of combined hazardous air pollutants)

All Gas Distribution (Dispensing) Facilities operating in all areas of Virginia...The EPA has promulgated a new regulation 40 CRF 63 Subpart CCCCCC for gas distribution/dispensing facilities.  The EPA has provided a summary of this rule in brochure format and contains EPA Region 3 contact information should you need further assistance with this new federal regulation.  For EPA brochure click here.

All Facilities: Paint Stripping and Miscellaneous Surface Coating Operations (Ex: Auto Body) operating in all areas of Virginia. The EPA has promulgated a new regulation 40 CFR 63 Subpart HHHHHH for paint stripping and/or miscellaneous surface coating operations.  The EPA has provided a summary of this rule in brochure format and contains EPA Region 3 contact information should you need further assistance with this new federal regulation. For EPA brochure click here.

All Facilities: Recriprocating Internal Combustion Engines (Ex: Generators) operating in all areas of Virginia. The EPA has promulgated a new regulation 40 CFR 63 Subpart ZZZZ for recriprocating internal combustion engines.  The EPA has provided a summary of this rule in brochure format and contains EPA Region 3 contact information should you need further assistance with this new federal regulation. For EPA brochure click here


The EPA has new federal regulations regarding Area Source MACT facililites.  Information will be posted here and will be posted on the VDEQ Small Business webpage as they become available.

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