Entry bubble Certified Deed Scam

By: Nancy | August 28, 2008 | Category: Home and Family

Recently, Gov Gab headquarters, aka the Federal Citizen Information Center, enjoyed a visit from investigative reporter Lisa Robinson from Baltimore's WBAL-TV. She was here to put together a story about one of our office's pet peeves: a consumer scam. We hate it when people try to rip you off and we do everything we can to keep you informed. So we like people, like Lisa, who are looking out for you, too.

deedOne of Lisa's viewers told her about a scam that's been circulating the country. It involves the deed to your home.

Like thousands of people nationwide, this viewer received a letter that looks like this from an official sounding company. It might also come to you in email form. The letter says that the Federal Citizen Information Center recommends that you get a certified copy of the deed to your home. Not sure where to get it? Lucky you—the company will provide it for you for just fifty-nine to eighty-nine bucks, depending on the version of the letter you receive. Oh, and don't forget the $4.50 shipping fee. I guess they photocopy your deed on especially heavy paper or something.

The truth is, we don't endorse that company or their service. You can get a copy of your deed yourself from your county clerk or registrar. In most places it's free or no more than ten bucks.

If you get any offer like this by mail, phone or email that sounds fishy, trust your gut and check it out with us, with your state or local consumer office or attorney general, or with your local consumer or investigative reporter, like Lisa.

Have you gotten one of these letters? What other scams have been hitting your area (or your inbox) lately?

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